Winter is my Fav #amilikey

I have never been this committed to finishing something just because I said it. I am not making any money off these posts unfortunately and no one is coming to offer me anything in return either. Shoot, no one even cares what I have to say or how I share the stories I do, even when it's about them. So, this picture was taken again in 2020 while I was working at a call center. One of my least favorite line of work I endured. It was complete chaos from management all the way down to coworkers behaving like kids. 

    I took the picture because obviously I looked cute in that outfit and the damn Christmas lights were also very pretty. I do not celebrate Xmas anymore because it's rooted in paganism. I only agreed to go that day because it was a free pass entry for me and I wanted to do something fun, plus it was Busch Gardens, so I went for that reason alone. In retrospect, I didn't have that much fun given the company I was in and how he didn't even ride roller coasters but wanted me to ride them all by myself. I was like absolutely not and the lines are ridiculously long. He as per usual, always made me feel bad like I wanted to date that fat ass loser. And yes I said it, because he is extremely overweight and he thinks so highly of himself but lives in the same low income community I have been living in for years. Drives his momma's car and takes their handout to pay for his rent and everything else, but oh I am independent because I live in this apartment blah blah blah. Boy look at yourself in the mirror because you're not doing better than me all because your parents pay for you not to live with them. Anyways, he the memory of him always strikes a nerve deep down inside, because it's like how can you talk about me and my situation but yours isn't any better at all just because it's mascaraed in another form. 

    Apart from the origin of the pretty picture I do love winter the most because at least the cold weather forces people like him to stay covered up. No one and I mean no one wants to see anything other than a healthy fit body. So all those people who claim confidence by showing all that's hanging is lying to themselves and everyone else. Also, it keeps the germs down and the bad body odors down to a bare minimum. Winter is beautiful because it also holds the most important day of the year - my birthday!!!   Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)




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