Freshman Crush #amilikey


        Good afternoon beautiful bloggers of mine!!! So I am officially at 26 blogs not counting this one right here. So I am doing my best to hit that precious 50 post because I set that as my goal this year and it would be a shame to not conquer this minimal goal that is so doable given the 22 days left including today. I will start to ramble even more heavily to fill in the space, but in reality I am a chatter box. Okay, so without further introduction to todays topic, let me begin by saying my personal love life has been the most popular across the board -- so I figured I tap into it a few more times. I have a lot of stories, mainly shenanigans but I have to save some if I ever get to the point in my life where I can write that New York's best seller autobiography. Oh snap there's my next topic!!!

        I discussed eye candies in great detail and I have had also crushes in real life. There is a clear and distinct difference between an eye candy and a real crush. I have had a limited amount of crushes, but eye candies are always racking up on a monthly basis or whenever I meet or see new people. Major Lol. A crush - is someone I genuinely have a physical attraction too plus desire to see them as a potential date. I find them appealing physically but also start to develop some feelings towards them like I get excited when I see them and my stomach gets butterflies. In an eye candy situation, I don't get excited but I just visually enjoy the momentary view and move right along. Like a fun ad I stay tuned in for a few seconds and then I'm on to the next task at hand. 

        Now, that we have the clear distinction between the two for me, I will share one of my favorite crushes I've experienced over the years. When I was in high school, I was taking American government class towards the end of my day. Actually, I believe it was my class right after lunch time. There was this cute white boy named the famous clothing brand and he was just so freaking cute to me. He had long hair and he used to play a sport so he had the fit body too. I do remember his first and last name till this day of course. He wasn't that tall, but he had that baby face similar to Channing Tatum or just any hot actor. Major Lol. So I knew from the very beginning I found him attractive and my assign seat was somehow always close to him, so I always had a great view. I tried so hard to focus on the actual class material, but the whole time I kept looking at him. I did my best not to get caught staring but it was hard. One time, we had a small class activity and he just happened to me on my team. I acted so weird and didn't even know how to spell a simple word like forever. Another time I got slightly happy was when he asked me to borrow a gray marker, and I asked "is that your favorite color?" Of course, he was like, "no, it's just easy to use." Looking back, it's so sad that the slightest acknowledgement from a crush made me so happy. 

        Another instance was a day some other classmates (girls) were complimenting his long hair that was always so shine and smooth. He let them touch it, so I didn't miss the chance and I too touched it for a like a half a second. Major Lol. His voice was also sexy and he had that bad boy attitude. I never quite understood why he was in that class to begin with because he was a sophomore at the time. He always socialized with the jocks and popular kids. I also can't remember if he did ever figure out he was my crush. We barely ever exchanged words other than class interactions on the classwork. He also had a bad habit of showing his boxers and I was not mad at that either. Major Lol. He always had the cutes graphics and it was just sexy to see him exposed like that. Omg Lol. The following year he left I believe and somehow my senior year he came back. To me it obviously never made sense because he was suppose to be a year ahead of me, but then again maybe he was lying the whole time or he did really just take off a whole year off. When I saw him again after almost three years, it was a shocker and still a slight excitement. We never talked and it was weird graduating with him. I think I might have requested him back in the day of MySpace or maybe I just found him or maybe it was Facebook. It's been so long, but I definitely searched him maybe 6 or 7 years ago -- just to be nosey. The inquiry of whatever happened to so and so, I did find him and he joined the military and obviously had chopped that gorgeous hair off. He seems like he is close to his sister and he hasn't really changed too much. Given his occupation, he still has or had at the time a sexy buff body. I haven't searched him in a long time, but I am sure he's made someone happy and had beautiful babies just like himself. So apart from his good looks, personality wise he was an ass and a conceited rich kid. He never really gave me the opportunity to befriend him even as a classmate. He probably had a gut feeling I did like him. 

        Well, that is pretty much the gist of that one time crush. He did give me butterflies every time I saw him come into class or in the hallways. Every chance I got to see him, it was a satisfaction in it of itself. Now that I also think about it, all the crushes and eye candies I have ever had - all assholes for sure. None, were nice enough to befriend me or treat me nice. As soon as word was out that I liked them, they treated me like disease and stayed clear of my path. But that is the vanity of this cruel world we live in and I at least can say, I don't ignore people that claim to "like me", but I can still talk to them and be civil at the very least. Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)



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