Hotels #amilikey

I hate that I always go the extra miles for others and then I am always left in the dust. Anyways, I do what I do out of love and that is just who I am. If no one ever appreciates what I do for them and that's their problem. So I am running out of steam but here I go. I will post the remaining blog post based on the selfies I downloaded from my Facebook timeline and that will be all for tonight. 

    I never even once fathomed the idea of booking a hotel for myself. I always thought it was a resource for couples, families who were actually vacationing or people working for business. I booked my very first hotel stay back in 2022 for a three night stay in a local hotel. I was over the moon, as if I had accomplished something so significant in life. I had worked so hard to earn the PTO and save the money to afford the hotel stay with daily outdoor activities nearby. I called it my very first mini solo vacation, and it felt great. I was lonely at times, but I never really stayed that much time in my room. I had a lot things planned during the day, so it didn't bother me as much. I also learned a lot about what to look for in hotels and such. I ended up texting my then brother in Christ, confessing that I had a little crush on him and he only laughed at me and asked what's that. Like nigga please, you know damn well what that means. He never admitted to not liking me or not being attracted to me to spare my feelings, but it was obvious he didn't care about what I felt. He avoided the questions with vague answers like I am not thinking about dating right now, blah blah blah. I was like whatever, and I tried to stay in contact afterwards. He kept lying to me about wanting to hangout and talk about everything I kept asking him about -- like his life and such. Eventually, he literally just stopped texting me and I finally erased his number or blocked it or both. He knows about my hashtag and he knows I have a YouTube Channel, so if he ever did want to reach out to me, he knows how to do so. It's been two years since that time, and no he hasn't tried to reach out to me at all.  

        I get he doesn't like me that way, but I was also looking forward to being at least best friends or close friends now that we shared our faith in common. Anyways, sorry I got side tracked, but that was something that happened when I was in a hotel. Apart from putting myself out there and embarrassing myself, I have enjoyed being in hotels by myself and with company like my family. I can't wait to keep traveling and experiences more fun stay in 5 star hotels.  Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :) 



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