Never Have I Ever, Part II #amilikey


    I really liked this theme, because it's cute and funny like me. I know you know I know you know I am. Major Lol. Okay so let the list begin:

1. Never have I ever, been lost in the woods. Dah because I've never been camping Lol. 

2. Never have I ever, kissed under the bleachers. {Inside Cars, rooms, outdoor trails, the movies, the park, the lake, these are the locations I've been kissed }

3. Never have I ever, ate a snail or caviar, because I think it's gross and clearly nowhere near my price point. 

4. Never have I ever, been arrested!!! Hello and thank God, someone recently did ask me that and I was like really, you really have to ask that about me. 

5. Never have I ever, been asked to be a part of a wedding as the bridesmaid or maid of honor. True bummer -- I know. 

6. Never have I ever, jumped out of an airplane. I did indoor skydiving and it sucked big time. You don't feel like you're falling and it literally is more work trying to keep your damn balance than the enjoyment of anything. 

7. Never have I ever, played golf. I hate minigolf too and I am not interested in the new Top of the Golf thing that's popular nowadays. 

8. Never have I ever, gotten my tonsils out and I don't need to okay!

9. Never have I ever, bitten someone's lip, but someone did bit my lips once and I was like absolutely not -don't do that again. 

10. Never have I ever, shot a gun. I ironically worked in the Shooters World warehouse for about two weeks. I never seen so many orders for guns and ammunition. I am still against the personal use of firearms because they are not necessary, only law enforcement should possess and carry guns. 

Alright, well there you have an updated new list of never have I ever true statements. I hope this makes your day just a little bit brighter and as always if you have topics you'd like me to share or discuss leave me a comment or feedback. Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)


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