Spring Semester Updates #amilikey


    Hey my beloved people!!! I am happy to announce I am successfully enrolled in my prerequisites for nursing online at HCC. I am doing very well for the very first week and two days. Major Lol. I have already done an easy extra credit assignment and I have been checking the online canvas almost every day! The feeling I get when I am immersed in my college work truly feels great. I even had a hard time keeping my introduction paragraphs short because obviously I can talk about myself nonstop. Also, that is the writer inside of me wanting to express every little detail of my return to college. 

    I was questioning why two of my courses hadn't published any assignments. I started getting a bit concerned like did I not complete the registration as it should be or something else is missing. I used the chat assistance to verify and it turns out that the other remaining courses have a different staring date. I was surprised and at the same time kind of relieved to know there was nothing missing or wrong. Now I have more time to continue adjusting to this new schedule of being a college student again and a full time employee. I want to make sure this time around I truly embrace every opportunity to gain new knowledge and engage into the courses as much as I can. During the discussions, I couldn't contain myself so I replied to four other classmates which was two more than the required amount. I lowkey was also grading their posts in my mind, like some of them clearly missed the second question response. 

    I do miss the actual in person socialization because I am a natural social butterfly, it definitely limits that stimulation to make new connections and just have those in person experiences overall. Hopefully come next semester I can do at least one in person and regain that part of learning that cannot be replaced through posts and replies. I bought a bigger planner with enough space to jot down my due date assignments and just to have ample space to include personal calendar dates. I am taking notes in my Colombian notebooks and I wish I would have bought even more. The online reading is nice because they have the audio option, but they don't allow you to view the images without going straight into the next paragraph. My inner nerdy self does miss the actual hardcopy textbook. It does make it convenient not to have to rent out books and then have to return them; however, I do miss flipping the pages and not straining my eyes with the online reading. 

    This year I am not setting a quota for the amount of blogs I have to post because I epically failed last year and I just want to move at my own pace. I want the posts I make to make sense and have a meaningful topic. I aspire to improve the context of my writing and to accumulate more followers/posts. So with that being said, I am loving the online spring semester and I look forward to entering the actual nursing program once all my prerequisites are all completed and everything is up to part. Thank you for all your support and as always my favorite phrase coming up: "You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes." You have a purpose in life to fulfill, so no matter the hard times never give up and allow Jesus to show you the way to a genuinely happy life!


Ana :)


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