Bay ROCKET ride #amilikey


    Hey hey hey everyone!!! So if you are in tune with my social media presence on YouTube, then you will know that I was excited about trying out the new boat ride downtown Tampa. It is called the Bay Rocket and it is like a speed boat that goes allegedly over 70mph and makes 180 degree turns. I genuinely thought it would blast off like when you get on the cheetah hunt rollercoaster, but it just progressively gets faster yes and it feels just super windy -- but not like super fast. Maybe it's just my high tolerance for adrenaline, but I thought it would go faster and you could actually feel the impulse of throttle going forward. It was still very thrilling to be out in the water viewing all the beautiful mansions and the islands by the bay. 

    I definitely recommend you try this boat ride as soon as you can, because it is worth the price of admission. I wish I could have shared this experience with someone I knew, but unfortunately there was nobody with me that day. I also had to wait for a whole extra hour and half because people didn't sign up for the 2pm showing, so that was like damn. I ended up having to walk more steps to kill time and venture off nearby until the time of boarding. I pray and hope one day, I will be the owner of a nice big luxurious yacht that I can sail off into the Bay and just enjoy with my loved ones. I have to come up with a great name and not these dinky donky lame names I see out there on the water. I want something that sparks your attention but is clever too. So I have time to come up with the perfect yacht name! 

    I also had a lot of fun just being in downtown Tampa and hanging out. There really is a lot of fun activities to do there and it doesn't require too much money. I mean nobody ever said it was free, but definitely within a one time budget friendly outing. I was debating between the boat ride and the ice-skating in the Winter Village; however, I know from prior experience that I suck at skating and the last time I tried ice-skating I ended up with so many bruises that I woke up the next day feeling like someone beat me up from all the repetitive falls I had on the ice. I still want to try again, but I want to ensure I have someone to hold on to when I do try again. I want to share the experience with someone. 

    I am about to head to blog post 30 and yet that is still far off the goal of 50. Technically, this is blog post 28 of the year and adding 22 more sounds very intimidating. After all this back and forth, there is something inside of me that doesn't want to let it go because it is such a simple goal and to miss it or let it go all because I don't feel like posting that many more blogs just seems so wrong. I know the audience doesn't connect with me on the same level that I'd like to be reciprocated towards. Here's an insider scoop, the other day I posted my big news on LinkedIn and a fellow blogger commented. I hadn't spoken to him in literally years since we first met online to network through blogging. He has been busy in his career and still remembers my personal blogs. But briefly talking to him made me realize I have to expand my topic of conversations. 

    Well, there is one thing for sure if I do complete this goal of the year it will be with short blogs, because I also have a life to live and my free time needs to be evenly distributed between needs/wants.   Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)



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