College kid #amilikey
Now in 2025, I again will be a college kid -- what do you know. I have always loved learning and even when I didn't comprehend the language as well as I do now, I still found joy in learning new things. As you all know, I owe uncle Sam a lot of money and I hope one day to be financially well to pay him off for good. I also would take a clear my account kind of deal, but it would be more significant to be in the position to where I can pay it all back and still be well off. I more than anything just wanted to share the cute selfie. I am exciting about going back to school, I will finally make something out of all the things I've studied.
Do not be under the impression that college is your only option to having a secure financial life, but definitely explore all your options in terms of degrees and programs at all levels. People downplay the certifications, but sometimes being the very best tech of your choosing can be just as or better fulfilling and rewarding than a BA or MA degree. Ultimately, I advocate for bettering yourself with education and more than anything with a true passion for life. Anyways it's my favorite part moment. “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey
Ana :)
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