Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Summer Updates #Amilikey


    So my people I’ve been doing really good overall!!! I as always wish more people viewed my content on this blog, but for various reasons I know that audience is dormant for now. I am currently eagerly waiting for my shift change to come to pass at work. When I first signed on, I had no idea becoming a full time night owl would harm my health the way it has thus far. And before you make the wrong assumptions, let me just pin point what I am referring to: my glucose level is too high or on the incline. I had my annual physical and my A1C is at a 6.0 which is pre-diabetic range. My PCP gave me an ultimatum of either starting meds or improving my A1C in four months with diet and exercise. I said absolutely not going to take meds for something I can improve and get under control. I do admit I love food and excess portions of it obviously does harm to anyone, but eating at night when you’re suppose to be sleeping has had an impact on my glucose for sure. 

   I also miss enjoying the morning sunrise and having my morning routine to do my training and whatever else my precious heart desires. I want to be able to not miss what is happening during daylight hours within my family and in general. So I am just waiting with all my heart to get release from this schedule and onto a normal schedule. Apart from playing the waiting game of life, I just thought I’d use updates as a general topic to blog about for this post. I signed up for another run this year, which is really exciting because I thought I was done for this year at least. I didn’t know of any other run happening that I’d like to be a part of because obviously there are runs going on all the time. I just have a very nice tuned selection for when it comes to participating in races. I have to agree with the cause and enjoy supporting the group holding the event. I am going to make a three day weekend out of it, so that’s super exciting as well. Unfortunately, I already know I’m not meeting my Prince Charming at this event. I won’t make any new connections or meet anyone I can get excited about at all. I already know how it’s going to go down. People will stare and gaze for long periods of time out of amazement that someone with so many scars on her skin could attempt a race this long (5 miles). They will barely say hi or nod and that will be it. Maybe, just maybe someone will briefly chat me up out of the “I feel so bad for her” sentiment and that’s it. I wish I could say, “I am going to run with my family or friends.” I wish I had someone to share the experience with, but no one will be there with me as per usual and no one will be there cheering me on as I cross the finish line. The downside about these social events, but at least I will be thrilled to advance my ultimate goal to prepare for that once in a lifetime marathon. I will also be so happy to have completed a new challenge and successfully finished the race without stopping or walking — just slow running or jogging. 

      On a more semi lighter note, as I scrolled through my past blogs — I thought it would be nice to go on a second coffee date with someone new. Unfortunately, the reality of that happening is a 100% negative, because I’d be doing myself a disfavor for seeking something that always goes wrong. No matter what kind of date I’d sign up to go on, the outcome would always be the same due to my circumstances. It makes sense, and it hurts but I can’t deny it to understand their point of view. If I don’t fit the basic criteria, then what is the point in investing their time to build something I’m not prepared for. Obviously, there is also that hopeful view that perhaps it wouldn’t kill them to be part of the help I’ve always wanted to get me to the place where I am eligible and ready for solid foundation. Well, men don’t want to be a part of the upbringing or assistance in getting to that point. I wouldn’t mind helping someone if I had the resources to get them there, but of course I am a different class of person. I would help anyone no matter who they were and what they have done. I understand that awful feeling of being left behind and not included in so many aspects — even when it doesn’t relate to dating and a romantic relationship I am still going to help. So my point of reference is that no matter how much I’d love to enjoy another coffee date, the person would just be disappointed and dissatisfied with all my lack of resources. My personality wouldn’t make them feel better and they would just look down on me like everyone has in the past. I also just want the experience of going on another date so I can blog about it. Major Lol. 

Alright, well I think I’ve given you micro audience enough updates for now. As always, “ You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes.” Allow yourself to open your heart and mind to Jesus Christ and begin to experience change in your life!!! 

Thank you for reading my humble blog and stay tuned for more down the road. Feel free to like, share, subscribe, and leave a comment!!! 



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