Get that Paper #Amilikey


        Okay, so I totally watched the Starting Five on Netflix about the NBA players, and of course mister wanna be "king" LeBron was one of the featuring players. Out of all the blah blah he talked about, his little saying about "go ahead and get that paper" left a funny imprint in my mind. I had never heard it referenced that way and it really stuck. Major Lol. Sounds funny and fun to say. Obviously, a great way to introduce the topic of finances that I came across while I was blogging about my movie dilemma. I wasn't able to work for an alarming long time-- like way beyond the normal range. Hence all the other struggles I still face to this very day. 

    Given the fact that employers denied me the right to work even in low-level entry positions, I never had access to money of my own in larger sums until I received my financial aid at the beginning of my college career. I was extremely grateful to have those funds considering that I had no other way of making money if no one would hire me at that time. I did shop a little bit much and spent a large percent of my financial aid for lunches and snacks throughout the entire semesters. I never once saved any money throughout all those years and even when I was given my very first chance to work part-time at 27 years old -- I still didn't save. 

        I've learned that money is an important part of being a real responsible adult and not knowing how to manage it well brings about a lot of stress and problems. I created a second account to save money from every paycheck, but given all the needs in my family I am not able to save a whole lot before I find myself reaching back into for funds. But also the honest part of going out to eat -- is my biggest weakness to make a better progress towards saving money. I love to eat out even when I sit there alone, it's a satisfaction of me pampering myself, but I know I can abstain from it for even greater goals/projects. It really is a mental will to say no to your wants and focus on your needs. I got myself into credit card debt when I was hanging out with the wrong crowd back in 2018, and to this day I am still working on fixing my credit score and eliminate that debt. 

            Looking back, I wanna beach slap myself for allowing all those people to use me for my money and time. I could have saved the little money I had or actually would have swiped the credit cards in my favor towards things I could still have or have a real memory of. I know money is not my drive, but I do expect myself to make more paper than I do now and reach the level of not having to check my bank account to make sure I don't run out of funds. I want to be financially well-enough to meet my needs and wants. Also, to have the paper to fund all my other projects and meet the needs of those in need. I just want to give a shout out to all those who once told me -- "You'll never find a job that way (referencing the online applications)." I have had nothing but people doubting my skills and ability to make some paper from the very start, and here I am celebrating an annual raise of a few more cents but still -- those cents got me to the next numeric number an hour!!! I appreciate the progress I've made in the labor force and I know I've only gotten started to continue my journey getting this paper. 

So now we come to my favorite part of each and every blog. Alright you know how we wrap this up. “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana  :) 


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