Planes #amilikey

I took this picture when I was working in day labor back in 2019. I had posted some selfies visiting my cousin in Hallandale near Miami, and from those posts an opportunity arouse. I was invited to be an honoree for the Wonder Women nomination. I was hesitant at first because I clearly didn't even have a real job and the money I was making was just enough to survive the basic needs. Somehow, I got lucky and booked a really great ticket for working in landscape for that summer and that generated more income than usual. I saved up all I had and invested my money to travel there by plane. I originally had asked someone to drive me down there and I would pay him the favor with meals and gas compensation/a payout for the trip itself. The bastard was suppose to be my best friend and he didn't have a problem when it was for seeing my cousin. Oh no he picked me up at 1am after he got off his job. It didn't matter then at all. 

    I have realized that you can't count on anyone these days, but it really hurt me to know he didn't even consider taking me with me paying him real cold hard cash. So I paid my flight and I did enjoy it, even though it didn't last very long. I got there within 30 minutes from Tampa to Miami. I should have booked the return flight, but I didn't want to miss it considering I didn't know when the venue I was attending would end. When I last traveled this summer, I did ensure that my flights on my way back were properly booked. I love flying on airplanes and I am not afraid at all. I don't want to stay on the airplane for hours on end, but eventually I will so I can travel to my dream destinations.  Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)




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