Volunteering series #amilikey

 I am pretty sure at one point or another I talked about my volunteering experience. So I can't recall exactly what I said before on the subject matter, but I'll elaborate specifically on this occasion and the picture. 

        I hold Shriners Hospital for Children very dear to my heart, because they were the stepping stones to my success here in America. They opened the door for my entry and allowed me to better myself physically little by little. I always wanted to give back to them in some way and I know financially I haven't been able to contribute, but as a volunteer for them for about two years or so, I did try me best to promote them to raise the funds and awareness. I was able to meet and work with lovely people like the woman standing next to me. She was a true sweetheart, and I miss working alongside her. Unfortunately, I had to invest more time working for money and the volunteering time subsided. Also, about two years ago, the hospital itself was shutdown for good at that particular location. I had so many fond memories and I am glad I was able to relive just a few of those moments as a volunteer. 

        Overall I do believe everyone should get involved in volunteering at some point in their life. I miss doing it as often as I used to because it makes me happy and it gives me purpose. I hope one day, when all the stars align in my favor, volunteering will take precedence again in my life. Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey 


Ana :)


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