Gladiator 2 #amilikey


So I totally failed the last quota I had mentioned to meet in one nights sitting. I missed the mark by one and believe me I was wiped out by the fourth blog post. I always have tons to say, but physically typing it all is exhausting and the actual sitting part too. Major Lol. ๐Ÿ˜‚ So let’s see how many I can crank out tonight via text instead. My overall views aren’t alarming, but it is what it is— you feel me bruh Lol. 

     Alright, let’s get to the bottom of this post. I named it Gladiator 2 because it’s the movie ๐Ÿฟ I’ve been wanting to see, but hesitated for a few reasons. Technically speaking, after this week and maybe ๐Ÿค” even into the new year I still could go and watch. First, the constant struggle between rewarding myself for working hard and being conscious of my duty to save and budget adequately. Now, that I will be going back to college, I will have expenses outside the regular monthly bills (adulting) ones; therefore, I really need to tighten my belt when it comes to finances. Oh and that’s my next topic !!! Omg look at that I came up with a perfect idea. Second, the constant yuck feeling of always having to go to the movies alone is also not fun at all. I have no friends in person that I can just call up and be like yo meet me at movies. My closest friends are miles and miles away from me on different continents. I started going to the movies by myself and it was fine, but soon after that I did get attached to someone and we’d always go together. He was toxic for me and yet having him there next to me made me feel better knowing I had someone to talk to about the movie after it ended. Lastly, the movie theater closest to me finally closed down so that’s a huge deal for my personal experience. Now, if I wanted to see it I’d have to spend more money and go further out of my way. 

    I love action movies since I was a little girl. I guess the part of me that has all the pin up aggression to the way the world treats me enjoys seeing all the fictional violence of good vs evil. My latest favorite movie: Peppermint by the protagonist Jennifer Gardner— she was such a bad ass babe !!!! I was like wow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ girl you were so good!!! It’s basically the same plot line as Death Wish with Bruce Willis but the female version. I’m a super nice person, but seeing women kick butt on the screen feels so good ๐Ÿ˜Š. That one time I took the free trial boxing ๐ŸฅŠ class was the most fun I’ve had doing a physical workout. I’m definitely getting a punching bag whenever I finally have a real home of my own. But anyways, my boy Denzel Washington is my second favorite actor after Bruce Willis when it comes to action movies! 

    Overall, going to the movies is fun but always better when you have good company. One of the things I did when I visited Colombia this summer was to go to the movies with my sister twice and I’ll never forget that experience. So, I hope you enjoy that film as much as I enjoy ๐Ÿ˜‰ eating dark chocolate candy. Major Lol. Alright you know how we wrap this up. “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey 


Ana   ;) 


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