My EVS gig in 2018 #amilikey


So now I have moved on to getting inspiration from old selfies of mine to explore topics of interest. I was once a housekeeper at the former name Florida Hospital that now is known as AdventHealth. I came across this job unexpectedly, I had actually applied as a housekeeper at other hospitals and locations, but given the zero work experience in EVS or in general --they never gave me a chance. One day as I was coming back from an errand, I sat down to wait for the bus and this sweet lady approached me. 
She asked me if I was coming back from work and I told her I was actually looking for work. She told me they were hiring at the hospital across the street and I should definitely apply. She also said she'd put in a good word for me. I was like okay sure I will do that. 

    My mom actually had a medical procedure at the hospital in just a few days after that encounter. I was literally just sitting in the waiting room when I decided to message my new acquaintance and she replied that she wanted me to meet the manager for an interview right then and there. I was like, wait, what, you mean now, now? She was like yes, and I was like okay. I was not at all prepared for an interview, but thankfully I dressed casually nice. I went up to the second floor and met with the manager for the interview. He basically told me, I already had the job and this was just a formal procedure. A few more days after that the paperwork went through and I started working as a housekeeper that summer in 2018. I was also going full time to Concorde Career colleges, so it was a real commitment to be working full time and school. I had to be in class from 8am till 1pm Monday through Thursday. Then I had just enough time to make it to work from 3pm to 11pm Monday through Friday. I lasted only a month and half on this schedule. Afterwards, I was like I am gonna need to cut back on the hours, because school is too much time to keep up with having to attend in person classes. 

    Eventually, I started working the first shift only on the weekends Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays. I was working there up until I started my externship that also required me to be there like a regular job Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. I wish I would have kept my EVS job part-time and told the externship place I could only do my hours 8am till 1pm. I should have thought it through, but the excitement of finishing the program and being hired as a medical office assistant full time motivated me even more. 

    In the four months that I served as a EVS worker, I learned a lot about the medical field. I learned people are so entitled and they think because the aren't hired to clean, that they can be so unmannered and leave everything on the floor. The medical staff doesn't like to pick after themselves and they don't care about others. I saw things that break my heart when it comes to true empathy and compassion. I truly strived my best to make the necessary improvements while I was there, but there is just so much work to be done -- it's ridiculous. I did love that I could help the patients in the smallest kind of way. I remember always going the extra mile to bring the supplies the patients needed no matter how many other units I had to go to in order to find them. I always made sure to ask them if there was anything else they needed or wanted I could get them. Meeting new patients almost every other day, and truly empathizing with their pain and medical interventions made me feel so good-- like I finally fit in somewhere. 

        I am forever grateful for that opportunity because it confirmed my true passion. I loved being there for the patients and now that I am back, I can't wait to be hands on taking care of them in an even deeper and more meaningful way. People may always look down upon me, but I know who I am and whose I am. Anyways it's my favorite part moment.  “You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He cannot make mistakes.” You are here for a reason and a purpose, so let Jesus show you the way. Thank you for your support and remember to view my YouTube videos using the best hashtag #️⃣ amilikey


Ana :)


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