
Showing posts from 2024

Feliz Nuevo Year !!! #amilikey

  Hey everyone on this world wide web called the internet. Major Lol. So, for those who were tuning in for the goal setter of 50 blogs last year: I was seven short from the final count. I woke up tired and had to do some errands, so I decided to take a nap instead and said, "I am not going to cramp in the last seven just because." I had all the right intentions, but I was like it's not even worth it. To have some bragging rights, when no one ever really reads them or interacts with the posts -- why strain myself trying to finish it.      I love that I celebrated another year around the sun and that I am now officially 31 years a survivor of burns. What was once a tragic New Year's Eve is now a celebration for life and perseverance. I had a lovely home cooked meal with delicious desserts. I shouted the countdown and hugged my loved ones. I always dream of a more elaborate celebration, but that day shall too come one day. I loved having that childhood experience as a k...

College kid #amilikey

Yeah, I made it for tonight!!!! So this selfie is truly my top ten of all my lifetime!!!  I love the blonde strike of hair and how short it was then while I was doing my externship. I can talk about being a college kid for hours and hours because I literally have over 8 years of experience under my belt. I have been from community college to the four year university to the practical certification scenario. I have seen it all basically, I know where I went wrong and what I could have done better all those in between summers when I didn't have classes.      Now in 2025, I again will be a college kid -- what do you know. I have always loved learning and even when I didn't comprehend the language as well as I do now, I still found joy in learning new things. As you all know, I owe uncle Sam a lot of money and I hope one day to be financially well to pay him off for good. I also would take a clear my account kind of deal, but it would be more significant to be in the posi...

Insomnia /Depression Survival #amilikey

After this one and one more for tonight, I will be down to just 7 more post to complete the final goal. I will post number 50 before the clock strikes midnight and we officially enter 2025!!!! I can do it and I will do it.      So this picture was taken the day I was able to finally be me again. I had gotten out of visiting my then temporary counselor for psychiatry back in 2018. I suffered my second and last episode with severe depression when I took on the role of caregiver for three people all by myself. It was overwhelming and I didn't know how to cope with it so I reverted back to the awful conditions I once endured in 2014 for the first time. I knew what the symptoms were, but this time it hit me even harder because I felt responsible for my own mother's aliment. I eventually received the treatment I needed at the time and when I finally was able to attend my own doctors appointment on my very own. I knew I was back to being me, and that is why I took that selfie in...

Volunteering series #amilikey

  I am pretty sure at one point or another I talked about my volunteering experience. So I can't recall exactly what I said before on the subject matter, but I'll elaborate specifically on this occasion and the picture.           I hold Shriners Hospital for Children very dear to my heart, because they were the stepping stones to my success here in America. They opened the door for my entry and allowed me to better myself physically little by little. I always wanted to give back to them in some way and I know financially I haven't been able to contribute, but as a volunteer for them for about two years or so, I did try me best to promote them to raise the funds and awareness. I was able to meet and work with lovely people like the woman standing next to me. She was a true sweetheart, and I miss working alongside her. Unfortunately, I had to invest more time working for money and the volunteering time subsided. Also, about two years ago, the hospital it...

Winter is my Fav #amilikey

I have never been this committed to finishing something just because I said it. I am not making any money off these posts unfortunately and no one is coming to offer me anything in return either. Shoot, no one even cares what I have to say or how I share the stories I do, even when it's about them. So, this picture was taken again in 2020 while I was working at a call center. One of my least favorite line of work I endured. It was complete chaos from management all the way down to coworkers behaving like kids.      I took the picture because obviously I looked cute in that outfit and the damn Christmas lights were also very pretty. I do not celebrate Xmas anymore because it's rooted in paganism. I only agreed to go that day because it was a free pass entry for me and I wanted to do something fun, plus it was Busch Gardens, so I went for that reason alone. In retrospect, I didn't have that much fun given the company I was in and how he didn't even ride roller coasters bu...

Planes #amilikey

I took this picture when I was working in day labor back in 2019. I had posted some selfies visiting my cousin in Hallandale near Miami, and from those posts an opportunity arouse. I was invited to be an honoree for the Wonder Women nomination. I was hesitant at first because I clearly didn't even have a real job and the money I was making was just enough to survive the basic needs. Somehow, I got lucky and booked a really great ticket for working in landscape for that summer and that generated more income than usual. I saved up all I had and invested my money to travel there by plane. I originally had asked someone to drive me down there and I would pay him the favor with meals and gas compensation/a payout for the trip itself. The bastard was suppose to be my best friend and he didn't have a problem when it was for seeing my cousin. Oh no he picked me up at 1am after he got off his job. It didn't matter then at all.      I have realized that you can't count on anyone ...

Hotels #amilikey

I hate that I always go the extra miles for others and then I am always left in the dust. Anyways, I do what I do out of love and that is just who I am. If no one ever appreciates what I do for them and that's their problem. So I am running out of steam but here I go. I will post the remaining blog post based on the selfies I downloaded from my Facebook timeline and that will be all for tonight.      I never even once fathomed the idea of booking a hotel for myself. I always thought it was a resource for couples, families who were actually vacationing or people working for business. I booked my very first hotel stay back in 2022 for a three night stay in a local hotel. I was over the moon, as if I had accomplished something so significant in life. I had worked so hard to earn the PTO and save the money to afford the hotel stay with daily outdoor activities nearby. I called it my very first mini solo vacation, and it felt great. I was lonely at times, but I never really st...

Why it Matters, Naturalize DACA residents! #amilikey

      I remember the question Nitin asked me the other day on LinkedIn, and I had to address the issue. I know it's very hard for me not to talk about myself, because it's what I know best. However, I am able to speak on behalf of so many other things as well. I am an immigrant that had the privilege of coming to America on a VISA status for several years. I am grateful, that I never suffered the consequences of having to deal with legalizing status or renewing paperwork. I became a permanent resident at the age of 16 years old, and then at the age of 23 I passed my citizenship test/naturalization.      Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to meet an actual DACA recipient. Not to make it about me, but this is how I bring you his story. I promised to keep his identity as generic as possible and he agreed. So this young lad, happens to share a lot of things in common with me and that is how we connected. He came from a third world country oversees and he c...

My EVS gig in 2018 #amilikey

  So now I have moved on to getting inspiration from old selfies of mine to explore topics of interest. I was once a housekeeper at the former name Florida Hospital that now is known as AdventHealth. I came across this job unexpectedly, I had actually applied as a housekeeper at other hospitals and locations, but given the zero work experience in EVS or in general --they never gave me a chance. One day as I was coming back from an errand, I sat down to wait for the bus and this sweet lady approached me.  She asked me if I was coming back from work and I told her I was actually looking for work. She told me they were hiring at the hospital across the street and I should definitely apply. She also said she'd put in a good word for me. I was like okay sure I will do that.      My mom actually had a medical procedure at the hospital in just a few days after that encounter. I was literally just sitting in the waiting room when I decided to message my new acquaintance...

Part II, Man of My Dreams #amilikey

  💖 I am now literally just browsing through past blogs to gain ideas of what I can further elaborate on and add more to because I am still 16 blogs away from the goal. I can't believe I am torturing myself this way, when all I had to do is be consistent throughout the year. Anyways we are here now and there is no returning to do it right all over again.      I haven't felt the hand cramping, but the small tight bootie is for sure hurting from sitting. After this one, I am definitely taking a small intermission. I know this is the most delicate and intimate part of my life, but I wanted to speak it out into existence to create the awareness and also to speak it into existence. I have always grown up in the faith and I genuinely saw my former pastor as a grandpa figure when he was alive. Right before his passing, I had a literal dream at night that he came to me and hugged me so strongly while he said to me, "You shall be prospered and your prince is coming." I woke ...

Never Have I Ever, Part II #amilikey

      I really liked this theme, because it's cute and funny like me. I know you know I know you know I am. Major Lol. Okay so let the list begin: 1. Never have I ever, been lost in the woods. Dah because I've never been camping Lol.  2. Never have I ever, kissed under the bleachers. {Inside Cars, rooms, outdoor trails, the movies, the park, the lake, these are the locations I've been kissed } 3. Never have I ever, ate a snail or caviar, because I think it's gross and clearly nowhere near my price point.  4. Never have I ever, been arrested!!! Hello and thank God, someone recently did ask me that and I was like really, you really have to ask that about me.  5. Never have I ever, been asked to be a part of a wedding as the bridesmaid or maid of honor. True bummer -- I know.  6. Never have I ever, jumped out of an airplane. I did indoor skydiving and it sucked big time. You don't feel like you're falling and it literally is more work trying to keep your ...

So far I made $$$ on my blogging #Amilikey

                🤑🤑🤑🤑 Hey beloved and beautiful people of my aorta!!! So this is it, we are literally down to the wire and I am going to go for it. I will end up with cramped fingers, but I just cannot let go of this goal I set out to achieve a year ago. So I will post the remaining 18 blogs, yes, you heard me right in the next 24 hours. I will do my best to give good quality posts, but in all honesty I just want to hit that number regardless of how thorough the posts end up being.      I have been blogging for 7 years now and that is a long time. I know when I first started back in 2015 for the very first time under another name I was a lot more consistent, but as the years have dwindled down I have gotten complacent and I haven't invested the proper time and effort in making it grow as I should have been doing. I say that to emphasized the end result of the ads revenue is a whopping $1.87 dollars in total since 2018. So wi...

Ugly Why #amilikey

  So apparently I have an undercover fan! They confessed to being behind my blog post reading, and I was like yeahy — it’s more like I am just being chismoso. Either way, I guess I should be grateful one person looks forward to my posts even if it’s just to be in the know. Okay, so this post right here is the hardest to talk about, because I have to reminded of how badly I messed up basically every day in some way or another. I hate having to explain myself, the explanation is not a one sentence response and that is what is so frustrating about the whole ordeal. I hate having to admit that at the age of freaking 34, I do not drive my own car. My license 🪪 is not the regular license, but a permanent license from 2014.      I  call it the “ugly why” because it’s something I want to eradicate ASAP and yet it’s still a working progress. Originally, at the normal age of driving when you are a 15 year old teen, I was just a VISA active holder so I didn’t qualify to a...

Physical Disability vs Mental Disability #Amilikey

  Greetings all beloved few blog viewers!! I am going to talk about a topic I am familiar with first hand and what the overall outsider view is nowadays. I have a little brother who has born premature and with that suffered from a lot of medical conditions. They were not discovered all at once, as he grew older we learned that his disability was not only physical but mental as well. Given the dynamic of having both types of disabilities to different degrees, taking care of him hasn't been easy but rather challenging. I love him dearly and wish I could support him in so many other ways and give him opportunities he needs -- unfortunately that time hasn't yet come.      At first glance, no one would suspect he is disabled because thankfully he has full range of motion and his disability isn't automatically visible from just the appearance. When he talks, then you can see his first inability to express himself clearly or properly as he his hard of hearing. Apart from th...

My 1st Kiss #amilikey

    Yo yo my people what is happening? I am still struggling to keep up with my own demand I made sometime at the beginning of the year to complete 50 blogs in 2024. This one right here will be officially number 30!! I averaged it out and with the few days left of the year, I would need to average two blogs per day to cram in the last 20 blogs after this one to complete the goal. It definitely seems doable, so let's see what really happens. I have titled this blog-- My first kiss, because I wanted to dive a little deeper with caution into this once in a lifetime moment.      I mentioned it in one of my prior blogs, which I highly recommend titled, "Sex - Don't equal love". I wanted to elaborate a lot on this idea of experiencing a first kiss. It has a lot more trajectory than I briefly mentioned. I thought about my first kiss ever since I was in fifth grade, when the whole concept of being boyfriend and girlfriend started surfacing and classmates were already ta...

Colombian Journey #Amilikey

      Hola Amigos mios mas o menos!!! So, I am going beyond the usual story telling of personal bios and diving into more general overall perspectives and topics. I know it's hard not to talk about my own experiences and how I have dealt with so many different things, but I guess it's also good to talk about things I know about and have seen as a third party spectator. Everyone has a story to tell when it comes to race and their ethnicity, my personal journey is unique and overall I can talk about what I have seen and experienced as a Colombian- American.      Every immigrant that has left their native land to venture off to a better tomorrow here in America, has a unique journey to travel. Whether they had all the resources for the transition or they struggled like the majority who came with little to none sustenance. All have come to experience racism and discrimination of some kind. I was fortunate to start the transition process unwilfully by the age of...

Bay ROCKET ride #amilikey

      Hey hey hey everyone!!! So if you are in tune with my social media presence on YouTube, then you will know that I was excited about trying out the new boat ride downtown Tampa. It is called the Bay Rocket and it is like a speed boat that goes allegedly over 70mph and makes 180 degree turns. I genuinely thought it would blast off like when you get on the cheetah hunt rollercoaster, but it just progressively gets faster yes and it feels just super windy -- but not like super fast. Maybe it's just my high tolerance for adrenaline, but I thought it would go faster and you could actually feel the impulse of throttle going forward. It was still very thrilling to be out in the water viewing all the beautiful mansions and the islands by the bay.      I definitely recommend you try this boat ride as soon as you can, because it is worth the price of admission. I wish I could have shared this experience with someone I knew, but unfortunately there was nobody wit...

Freshman Crush #amilikey

          Good afternoon beautiful bloggers of mine!!! So I am officially at 26 blogs not counting this one right here. So I am doing my best to hit that precious 50 post because I set that as my goal this year and it would be a shame to not conquer this minimal goal that is so doable given the 22 days left including today. I will start to ramble even more heavily to fill in the space, but in reality I am a chatter box. Okay, so without further introduction to todays topic, let me begin by saying my personal love life has been the most popular across the board -- so I figured I tap into it a few more times. I have a lot of stories, mainly shenanigans but I have to save some if I ever get to the point in my life where I can write that New York's best seller autobiography. Oh snap there's my next topic!!!          I discussed eye candies in great detail and I have had also crushes in real life. There is a clear and distinct difference...