Younger Partner Wish #amilikey


    Hey my superstars followers/fans Lol. I am so like -- why didn't I keep up with my blog when I should have and had plenty of time. Now, I am sweating the bullets trying to provide the five blogs I promised for the night. I took like a 10 minute break while I plugged in my laptop and browsed my phone that is also charging. My small firm bootie is starting to hurt from sitting here doing all this typing. I honestly don't know how people enjoy sitting all day. I cannot stand sitting for more than 45 minutes tops without moving and feeling numbness in my butt -- like honestly sitting for long periods of time is pure torture. Even when I am at church, I be like please hurry up I can't take it anymore from sitting. I literally change sitting positions like five to seven times during the sermon, because I just can't stay that long in the same position. 

        So that was a lengthy intro to prolong the blog -- you're welcome. Major Lol. So when I say that I am looking forward to a younger partner let me elaborate before I get accused of some weird cougar thing. I know my eggs (inside my ovaries) are not as young as a lucky 20 year old female, so given the physical facts it makes sense to mix my eggs with younger sperm to create healthy babies. Yes, I did say it like that. I am thinking in the age range of 5 years younger max, because anything outside that would be super creepy and uncomfortable. Right now it would be 30 year old male that would fit the age preference and also a man older than 35 would be like -- mmm I don't want someone with less energy than me. Someone older would be risking me having to take care of him as an old dying man. He would also come with even more baggage like baby mommas or ex wife -- which I really don't want to have to deal with at all. I know when it comes to a life partner, I want someone who has never been in love before and has also not chosen someone else before me. I want to be the number one pick in the draft to make it into the big leagues - as a wife. I don't want to question his true intensions of whether or not he is just settling with me as a favor to me, because he already had his "real" love before. 

    A younger partner within the five year span, could also add so much more to my life in terms of energy and excitement. He obviously can make me feel younger and can teach me the popular new things. Major Lol. I am also not knocking the obvious choice of being the same age or like very close to it too. I really hope after all this damn time waiting and longing for a partner the Lord really compensates me with an incredible man, because damn it's been a long minute. I know I am not perfect, but I have so much to offer a man that the average Jane with flawless skin could never measure up to even if she tried. I can cook, I can clean, I can be a real wife that brings true happiness into your life. I am not the control-freak that tracks your every move, I will not monitor your phone or social media, and I will not doubt your loyalty when interacting with other females in any capacity. If you value me -- then I don't need to smoother you like a child. Read my marriage proposal and you'll get all the details of how I want to carry out a real marriage. 

        Oh snap this one was more of my thing because I said a lot more. Major Lol. Now to the finishing touch -remember to comment, like, share, and subscribe too!!! Alright, we got this in the bag, I am gonna use the copy and paste to keep it moving too. Okay that concludes the status report on my personal life. As always remember to remind yourself, " You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." You have a reason and a purpose to fulfill so allow God into your life sooner than later. Thank you for your support and brief attention.


Ana :)


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