5 Miles Tell All #amilikey


    Hey you beautiful people!!! So, this year is really coming to a close sooner than later and I have yet to meet my goal for the year of posting 50 blogs. I know this was a projected number to be ascertained; however, I am gonna have to do some major comeback because I haven't even reached the half mark of 25. I know I have it in me and all I need is some serious discipline. My writing is not Noble Prize worthy, but I feel that I do have things to say that will help someone over the struggles they may be facing like I once was enduring. People will always criticize your work regardless of its value. Therefore, why waste time letting that prevent you from creating the work you know you can put forth. I have always loved writing, because I love to talk and it's the only medium through which I can say as much as I want to without being interrupted or cut off. 

    The emphasizes of my writing is solely founded on encouraging people to do better and be better by allowing Jesus into your life, and believing there is more to accomplish in this world than the bare minimum. In my work life, I have created a lot of friendly coworkers which I am grateful for, but it means more to me to reach them on a personal level and leave behind the same spark that drives me to post each and every time -- encouragement. A lot of them have told me that I do inspire them from my own bubbly personality and that is a confirmation to my purpose. I have what it takes to lead people to knowing that life's obstacles are not a sentencing for failure and defeat but the reason to push harder when you are down. Apart from my own personal attitude of positivity and love, I also have attributes that enhance my skills to fulfill this purpose in life of doing better. I am a funny person by nature and I do enjoy laughing (making silly faces, sound effects, joking around, being playful, etc.). Not to toot my own horn, but even complete strangers within a matter of minutes draw a fondness to me and I am not even trying but being me. Major Lol. Like for example, when I get into my feelings -- full disclosure, I end up chatting with online strangers seeking that human interaction and this one male allegedly in his 40s said I was so much fun to talk to after just maybe 20 minutes of small talk. Obviously, this wasn't the first time hearing this same notion in regards to my persona. I honestly can say 90% of all the people I've ever met would not have anything bad to say about me in regards to who I am as a person. Does that mean I am perfect? Hello-- you know the answer: No! No one is ever perfect, but you can be perfect for someone and that is the someone I want to be to my future husband. I say that to make emphasizes that I am a likeable person in the real world once you give me a chance to talk and interact with you. 

    So at the BoltRun, I arrived super early from my deluxe suite nearby and per usual no one approached me before the race began or when it ended. Everyone was just glaring at me in disbelief that someone with so many physical burn scars could be out here running 5 miles with the rest of the fit people. I am never going to genuinely win any race because logistics are real and no matter how much I improve or train (which I will continue doing so) I cannot out run physically taller women who can cover more ground with ever step. Given the reality of my own height, strength, and physical ability -- I am more than satisfied with running and finishing every race before at least a small group of people. In this last race, I did beat 28 other runners who came after I already crossed the finish line and two women in my own category. I am happy to know I wasn't the last one and given my physical condition -- I deserve credit for performing as well as I did given the other setback of my right knee hurting the last mile and a half to go. 

    Other than the usual social aspect of it, there isn't much juicy intel to disclose. I am like 95% sure I saw my former science teacher from high school for a split second, and I thought about approaching her, but than I know what kind of questions she would have and I didn't want to have to explain myself in that moment. Honestly speaking, my former teachers/professors wouldn't be satisfied to see me where I am today career wise. I was that "A" student who excelled and was always so dedicated to my studies to be struggling to be taken seriously at almost age 35. I expected so much more from myself too and I know they were expecting great things from my career. I just don't like having to face people from my past and be a let down when I am not where I dreamed I would be this late in the game. Even to this day, despite the friendly rhetoric people still make fun of me for not having a career and not reaching basic milestones like driving. They say it jokingly, but I am not an idiot to receive the real meaning behind their smartass comments. 

        Anyways, apart from seeing two former runners from previous races, I didn't met anyone special or have a fun story to tell. I saw one coworker volunteering and that was basically it. It's sad to say that in the crowd of over 1,000 people and my presence was like I wasn't even there. I didn't make any paparazzi news not even at work with their overview video. Another race in the books for me, but still no social game change. C'est la vie. Those that wish they could interact with me are literally miles and miles away in foreign lands and those that are right next to me could care less. Either way my vida goes on and I am forever grateful to be able to run even if it's slow. Thank you for your support and till next time hashtag amilikey out!!!

Remember you are not a mistake because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes. You are here for a purpose and a reason so go let Jesus show you the way!!!! 


Ana :) 



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