Situationships -- Wowzer #amilikey


Hey I am back -- Lol. That was a quick one right. So moving on to the next little subject I have to speak on this new terminology that has resurfaced in the past few months. Situationship -- defined as a relationship that hasn't hashed out the details with concrete certainty. It is between a FWB (friends with benefits) and an acquaintance. You are "talking" but the parameters haven't been defined with great detail and you are walking on egg shells. I have taken the situationship to be defined as this from what I have seen on social media. Now, looking at my past relationships -- I can definitely say with confidence I too had several situationships. They are not glamourous and leave you more empty than before you were engaging with someone. 

    I do not endorse or recommend you enter a situationship any time soon, in fact, I'd say the exact opposite -- please stay clear of this interaction because nothing good can come of it. You think you can change a man and make him into the person you'd like to be with, but no honey he will not change for you. I wasted too much time holding on to that stupid rhetoric and that time is precious so don't waste it. I also love this Poppins font style in case you were wondering too. Major Lol. Okay, yes I am just trying to fil in the space and make it a little longer because I want to move on to the next blog post already. Side note -- I also have people that I find super irritating because they have such negative/demeaning way of talking all the time. I get so happy when our schedules don't line up and I don't have to see them at work. Don't act like you can't relate, because I know you do too. 

    Alright, we got this in the bag, I am gonna use the copy and paste to keep it moving too. Okay that concludes the status report on my personal life. As always remember to remind yourself, " You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." You have a reason and a purpose to fulfill so allow God into your life sooner than later. Thank you for your support and brief attention.


Ana :) 


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