Hurricane Milton #amilikey


    Greetings my beloved bloggers of mine. I am beyond grateful to know that I have survived the literal hurricane that just passed by our Tampa Bay area. I am forever grateful to know I am well and despite the unexpected living situation – I can move forward from this and continue my livelihood. It was a lot of rain and wind, but I was never scared or worried I’d suffer any physical harm. I walked outside the streets in my neighborhood and the inner streets are completely flooded and that was a shocker to see that much inundation.

          All the main stores are closed but thank God for the Hispanic spirit to work hard and the Latin store was open. We purchased a few goods and made our way back to our temporary home. I am currently without power in my refurbished laptop as I type out this blog. I made sure to have it fully charged before I left. I am praying the power gets restored before night fall because I only have one other small portable charger and that is for phone usage. My actual phone carrier has left me very disappointed in the aftermath of the storm considering my mom’s carrier gets WhatsApp messages better than me on an iPhone (an old edition but still). My mom’s android phone gets better signal on another carrier, and I am just like – wow that’s not fair and I might jump ship when I get a chance or perhaps maybe just sign up for a real phone carrier other than the third-party carriers.

          I wish I would have also grabbed my books to use this time wisely and do my non-fiction reading but oh well that is a little too late to process now that I am here, and my books are not with me. I had to ensure I saved my laptop for sure for sure!! Major Lol. We are all putting on a brave face, but internally still questioning and wondering how our living situation will change and continue from here on out. I’ve had to sacrifice my body for the greater good and sleep on the floor, because there is only one full size bed and one sofa bed, and me and my family are a total of 4 people. I am the strongest out of them all and I can sleep whenever which has always been my advantage, so I’ll nap before the night starts so I can get some sleep time on a bed.

          It makes me happy to know someone came to our rescue in this desperate time of need and we didn’t have to end up at a shelter or paying out of pocket hotels. Our landlord has always failed the safety inspections that should take precedent over profit. They act like if it is not completely broken – it can still wait till later and later ended up leaving us with a collapsed roof. I was shell-shocked when I went upstairs, and all the drywall debris was laying on the floor all over like wet confetti. I couldn’t believe my eyes and the water was pouring down through the drywall onto the living room downstairs. It was not safe at all especially considering a hurricane was about to pour over.

          So that is where we stand today, and my hope is always on the Lord because through it all He remains loyal. He shall provide a new home for me and my family and that is what I am standing on. Thank you for always being my outlet to share and express my feelings about my whereabouts. All the love and support for all the people who survived and endured this hurricane Milton.   


Ana :)


  1. This blog was originated in time right after the storm, and I hadn't made the effort to post it!!! Lol


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