Big News #amilikey


Greetings my beloved people!!! I think this time I overdid it when it came to cramming 50 blogs in one year without keeping up with the projected count per month. I'm still not even at the halfway point and I'm struggling between fighting for the goal or just saying screw it. But anyways, back to the theme of the ball for tonight. The big news 📰 hot 🔥 fresh from the oven. Major Lol. 

    After much deliberation I have decided to get back on track to a real career. I discovered my true passion in the medical field as I was working  in housekeeping. I know patient care is the most important and I enjoy helping people/patients. Given that I've found my true calling career wise-- I am going back to school to complete my prerequisites for nursing. I enrolled at my former community College and I begin spring semester 2025 January 7th!!!!! I am super excited and thrilled to know I can finally pursue a career that will be lifechanging in so many aspects of my life. I will finally be able to make a real contribution in the medical field and give back just a little of all the care that was given to me as a long time patient with burn care. 

That is my big news and I hope it gives you inspiration and hope not to ever give up on achieving more in life. I know it will take a lot of time and effort to be a full time student and work full time but it is the discipline I need to stay grounded and focused. I am the nerd who will miss not being in a classroom in person setting because all my classes are online for this semester. However, I'll do my best to enjoy every bit of it as it comes. As always thanks for tuning in and remember, "You are not a mistake because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." You have a purpose and a reason to live, so allow yourself to let Jesus step into the mist. 


Ana :) 


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