Early Recap 2024 #amilikey


Wow, nobody tells you what being a slacker equals to until you become that slacker. Smh 🤦‍♀️ and yes now I am blogging from my phone because I’m tired of typing and texting helps a lot. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy the fun emojis too. So I’m thinking as creatively as I can and given that my Chapter 34 was so popular with people, I thought okay let me run with that theme. So I figured I could do a pre 2024 review. 

I can attest to having major breakthroughs this year and that is such a wonderful feeling. I successfully traveled outside the country to my beautiful homeland and that was just such a surreal moment. The entire experience could have been better given the actual outcome. I could have enjoyed myself a little bit more if a personal someone would have had a better disposition to the situation, but you can’t control how people carry themselves. Also, avoiding certain tours to experience the culture more would have been a game changer. The tours were nice and beautiful, but I could have been just as happy having home cooked meals in the inner city streets and getting to shop around the local shops. 

I learned a lot about traveling in general and it excites me to know that door is now officially open and ready to be launched time and time again with better itinerary and company. It really hurts to see someone have more fun with strangers than with your own blood born same DNA family. They act like it was my fault and as if I hadn’t done my best to be there for them. Just the shear fact that they genuine smile with a big smile in strangers company verses when I was right next to them just sucker punches me to the core. So yeah that was a super highlight in 2024. 

I celebrated a one year work anniversary at my current job and that’s also a very healthy thing to accomplish because this location means so much more than the previous employer. I can genuinely see myself transitioning from one position to the next for years to come. I can authentically say, “I look forward to celebrating my 10th anniversary and more.” I know I can excel and continue to contribute to the organization and to my own career journey. Side note I love having Apple Music because I can also log in via the laptop 💻 and listen in to avoid all the annoying YouTube ads!!! Major Lol 😂. 

Another 2024 highlight, I ran two major races and extended my range to 5miles and although it may not seem like a lot— it still is a great accomplishment for me and my end goal of one time marathon. I met new colleagues in my new unit and I’ve had a lot fun getting to know them. Soon enough I’ll be able to talk shop with them all and be in the nurse lingo world which feels incredible!!! 

Overall 2024 thus far has been very good to me. I wish I had even more goals in the books but at least I can say I did something meaningful and new this year. I can close out the year knowing I didn’t waste the time or opportunities. I acquired new knowledge and new CNA certification— hey I know go me!! I had also a micro mini two day staycation in a deluxe suite so that was also super fun and enjoyable!!! I cannot look back on this year and say nothing good happened, because a lot of great things did. So again thanks for tuning in and remember my favorite phrase. I’m too tired to text it now Lol and copy and paste it. 


Ana 🥹


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