Urban Geography

Oh to the Em to the Gee!!! It's so beautiful, truly a master piece via my digital skills. Major Lol.

    Anyways, I want to start introducing new topics of discussion starting today. I am an educated individual and I want to share my paid knowledge to you for free. To be honest I still owe $20,000.00 on that knowledge but heeeyyy. Major Lol. Uncle Sam can and will wait to get paid. 

    Urban geography is dear to my aorta and it is an important topic of discussion people should be familiarized with in general. People question a lot of the things happening in our world, yet, they do not understand the reasoning behind these events taking place. Let's define the terminology one step at a time: geography is the science based genre that divides into physical and human geography. Human geography deals with the interaction of nature with people, so for instance everything that a person may need from nature is a type of human geographical interaction. Physical geography focuses on the sciences of weather, earth's physical structure, and any science that describes the globe. 

    Underneath human geography is a sub-subject known as urban geography. This subdivision concentrates on the city or small town living for the residents of that area. Urban geographer also brake apart into other categories such as urban planner (the one I would like to pursue). Urban planners are responsible for selecting an area of interest and working to ensure their arena is met with adequate services. I want to focus on the community development aspect of becoming an urban planner. 

   As a low-income resident of over 28 years of age, I have the personal knowledge to understand and know what is required and what will make community development a success. There is no greater need than that of a impoverished community. Everything is affected by the lack of physical resources most people have taken for granted. For example, I struggled to become an even more academically excelling student due to lack of these specific resources. 

     To elaborate on that point, my family could never really afford to pay for cable or internet services. I had my 1st pre-paid mobile phone at age 19 in my senior year of high school. It was a flip-phone with no camera and the card would allow only for 1,000 texts including the texts I received. As a direct result, when I had to complete the academic research papers my teachers demanded of myself: I was left without the basic resources. I had to skip breakfast just so I could come into the library first thing in the morning at school to print out the research information to take home and read. Where I lived the public library was not within a walking distance, and this made it more difficult to access the one free resource available to everyone. 

    Looking back on it, I know I would have been an excellent candidate for Valedictorian: had I been given the resources all other students in my honors and AP courses had access to on a daily basis. I was eager to excel and perform my best but based on my low-income status I was limited to how well I could perform. I had the capacity to learn and the right attitude/discipline while I attended my grade schooling years; however, the lack of resources kept me from achieving even more successes. 

     Urban planners working in the community development sector not only are able to improve the physical layout of the city - they can go beyond that aesthetics and bring real change to the way of life. This will affect crime, health, economics, and overall atmosphere. I want to contribute to this change in so many ways, I am excited to begin the projects that have been cooking for so long in my mind. 

    TO be continued...


ANA :)

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