Born to Porn?

    Oh baby come get some... harder, harder, harder ahhhh ohhhh mmmmm. Are you serious right now? Yes, I am being serious people. So many people ignore the subject, because it's too X-rated. Listen it's 2018 not 1920- let's be real with the issues at hand. So, for starters lets define porn: a video displaying body parts going in and out of other body parts. Sometimes they use roles and equipment, and they always exaggerate the intensity of the pleasure. 

    Is porn legal? Well, they have playboy so I assume to a certain extent: yes it is. Should kids or teens be exposed or have access to porn? Absolutely not!!!!! They barely know how to wipe their ass to be trying to stick something up there. It is a degrading activity to be sharing such an intimate act to the whole wide world. Yes, it gets someone hard/wet but the end game is you are not edifying yourself. Why make making love into something so despicable that it becomes an addiction.

     Love is suppose to be shown in many different ways, but making love to the love of your life should be a special moment. Why watch people having sex when you should be having sex with your spouse. Yes, I've been there and done that unfortunately. My eyes saw porn at age eleven - not by choice but by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

       After that one time it took years before my eyes were once more corrupted. I became sexually active at age 24 so, I obviously ended up getting involved in that realm. I watched to learn what the hell I was suppose to be doing, yet, that didn't help me at all. Overall, porn is not a choice you should advocate for or get involved with it at all. You were not born to porn!!

       Well, there you have it. One more interesting and opinionated blog about life's issues. Don't be shy about talking about your problems. Always seek help and never give up to make yourself a better person -no matter what your past has been. There is always opportunity to make something successful out of yourself. Believe in your goals and smile because God loves you!!!!


         Ana :)

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  1. I'm not entirely sure how to process this. Not only is this post extremely under-educated but problematic and frightening all at once. Pornography is normal, human, and perfectly okay for anybody who desires to watch it to watch. I'm sorry that you had to see it when you personally did not want to, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you are projecting your own emotions on things. It's normal for young pre-teens and teens to watch it, their hormones are changing and it's a good outlet that keeps them from going out and having unprotected sex. Aside from that, not every human being is sexual and does not want a partner to have sex with. I, personally, am an Asexual.

    1. Hey .... thank you for commenting!!!!! I love feedback. I disagree with your statements in regards to this subject. Porn is not a healthy habit to participate in and it has been proven in the psychological realm that it does lead to corrupt behaviors such as committing rape and domestic violence when they don't get sex from a partner. It is degrading and a sin too.


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