Must be the Money

         CHA CHING I know money makes the world go round. I have had some cha ching in the past, but no where close to being sufficiently stocked with money. I took out 6 credit cards because I wasn't working and needed certain things. Yes, it makes no sense, but I have a good credit score so why not utilize it when I needed it the most. People will judge me for being irresponsible and ambitious- I see it as being resourceful and self-sufficient. I pay my monthly payments with plasma donations and other things I've sold at the pawn shop. 

     Everybody can judge me for whatever reason they want to; however, they're not in my place facing my needs. Yes, I have also asked a few of my friends to lend me some money too. I will repay each and everyone of them with interest because I am a woman of my word as well. Money is essential in this kind of world- just don't let it control you. Be smart about those Benjamins and remember to save when it is possible. Don't be stubborn and take the budget list accordingly. 

       I want to be successful, but there are certain things I will never do in order to get there. I don't believe and agree with lottery playing. It may be easy money - it is also cursed money. I want to feel the satisfaction of knowing everything I have in my bank account came from my hard work. I am not looking for hand-me-downs nor will I accept pitiful donations. If you want to enable me by donating to my gofundme account then that's acceptable. Please feel free to critic my work. Feedback is always encouraged and welcomed. 

      I have a good grip on money, but I will become profitable one day. Don't let my current loans and debt fool you. My family is business savvy and I have what it takes to make it to the very top. Best believe me or defeat me. Have a wonderful Tuesday day!!! 

    Till next time ya bestie blogger Ana !!!!


Ana :) 



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