
    Shut up!!! Is what I would like to tell certain people that annoy me and are being a-holes. They think and make an assumption that I am a nice person and will put up with just anything. HELL NO!!!!!! 

      I am nice but believe me when I say I know how to be nasty too. I will not take any more BS from anybody. I deserve to be valued and respected and there is nothing in this world that is going to change that standard. I will be made clear as in heard okay!!!! So, apart from the fun attention grabber. I am please to announce I have been working again and I love it. I am responsible for the sanitation of the patients room and the hospital. I am blessed with the opportunity to interact with the patients on a daily basis. They make me feel welcomed and I serve them to the best of my ability. 

    We (my employment and I) are the best match made to man-kind. I love being surrounded with people who care about health and well-being of other individuals. As a former patient myself, I feel empowered to let them know I was on their side and I know exactly how it feels to be a patient with uncertainty and despair. Stay calm though- because there is light at the end of the tunnel (like me) in which you can overcome adversities and live a full life. 

    I am working my way to becoming a spiritual ambassador and I am extremely excited to continue making a difference in the lives of patients and everyone I come in contact with as well. Please, feel free to contact me at any point and time if you have questions or comments about my blogs. I would be so grateful to receive feedback. 


ANA :)


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