Friday, July 19, 2024

Youth Reunion #amilikey


Hi everyone!!!!! So today well now technically yesterday was a very special day for me. I have been wanting to see my youth group from my early teen years and obviously could have never imagined it the way it happened. Although it was only a few people and not the whole group, it was still very nice and getting to catch up after all these years was very heart-warming. Our beloved pastor which we grew up, he finally finished his race with endurance and we came together at his funeral. 

     The majority of the people gathered there were his family members, but it is these same people I recall like family to me. I hadn’t seen them in years and to see them all grown up from when they were just kids is remarkable. Most of them are married and with kids of their very own now. Embracing someone you’ve known most of your life and have so many fawned memories with is just so special. Hopefully 🤞 this gathering can serve for a greater purpose of reuniting us and even reunited them as a large family too. It’s crazy to think that once a upon a time you didn’t think much about them, because people grow up and make a life of their own and here you are seeing them again and falling in love with that agape love you have always known. One person in particular really left an impression on me— he definitely looked so different than the memory I had of him but in a good way. To discover he has done so well for himself is also so good to hear and being able to talk to him in that loving manner was just so nice. We are a few years in separation and I never would have expected him to be so open to a conversation and to embrace the moment. Chatting with him was definitely worth the coming in early for the memorial service. I hope I get the opportunity to see him and his family again. Perhaps I’ll be invited to his wedding or invited to hangout in a group setting to keep bonding in fellowship. 

     I believe it would be super epic to have a total youth reunion with the rest of the people I grew up with in church. They were a huge part of my life and it would be a beautiful thing and a blessing to be able to come together again after all these years. I know we all have our differences and separate lives, but we share something special in common and we should embrace that unique bond that binds us all. I was thinking perhaps a weekend event where we rented a large airB&B and hired a small team of childcare workers to also include the family’s children. I know that sounds too expensive and exaggerating, but in order to have the youth that are now all adults be able to share and bond we need that no kids zone time. I’d obviously come up with a great hour by hour itinerary to ensure we make the most of the 3 days. I’d plan fun/creative activities to do and make sure everyone felt comfortable and included!!! It is possible and with appropriate planning/budgeting this youth reunion can become a reality. I pray 🤲 this blog comes forth a reality in the near future and that those who need to be reminded of God’s love can be reached through this post. As always, “ You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes.” Remember to live with passion and love people in your life while they are still here. Thank you for your support and remember you can always subscribe, share, like and comment too!!!! 



Ana 🥹 

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