Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wordpress move? #amilikey



Greetings my beautiful and beloved bloggers!! I want to thank you for your generous support throughout the years. I have been debating starting my blogging on a new platform and just leaving this one active for the remainder of the time. I have worked really hard to gain a new audience on this google blogspot website, but I haven’t had much progress. Perhaps, in the new domain of WordPress, I can reach a broader spectrum of people worldwide. I am also enjoying my new refurbished laptop I purchased a few weeks back and that has also motivated me to post more blogs.  
I have been a writer since an early age back in elementary school, when I would write in my personal diary almost daily. I enjoy writing because it allows me to speak my mind without anyone cutting me off or rebuttal given onto me. Now, as a grown adult I have discovered that writing reaches many people in need of hearing a motivating voice. Trials and tribulations have made me a stronger person and have enabled me to help others along the way. I do not presume to know it all and be miss perfect; however, I can be a witness to the overcoming of hurdles most wouldn’t want to endure to begin with at all. I just saw a very cool video on LinkedIn that highlighted the importance of going through the rough patches in life: when we go through life in a monotonous route, we take longer to reach of destination versus going in an upward and downward motion we arrive there a lot faster than in a linear setting. People see me smile all the time, and it is a genuine smile, but that smile was gained by paying a price [enduring hardships no one will ever be able to relate to exactly how I lived it].  
I encourage each one to reach out for help no matter the small struggle or doubt you may be facing today. The only way to make it out of hard times is to utilize all the aids available to you. I know teachers and employers always say, “There is no such thing as a dumb question” and I say, “There is no trouble worth not talking about it or seeking help for it.” So be encouraged today and remember, “You are not a mistake because God is perfect, and He cannot make mistakes!” As always make sure you like, share, subscribe and leave a comment below!! Come follow my Instagram for more exclusive content.   
Ana 😊    

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