Friday, July 12, 2024

Cartagena, Colombia in 2024 #Amilikey


    Wow I did it!!!! So this is super special for me in every sense of the word. I never imagined it would be possible given where I am financially and in my personal journey. I have yet to start my many projects and goals, so to add this in the middle of those ongoing things was a lot for me to take on, but I did it. It was also bitter sweet given that I traveled alone and my precious mom was robbed of reuniting with her first born child. I have been hesitating from going to Colombia for that same reason that I didn't want my mom to feel bad for not having the opportunity to visit and see her daughter of over 23 years of separation. I also felt bad my brother also could not fly either and I would only be seeing my sister and not the rest of my family. For those that have been following my journey, you guys know well I am not scared of anything - because God's perfect love cast out fear!!! However, we are called to be smart about are decisions and with that in mind I wanted to avoid my father at all costs. He is known for being a criminal and wanting to seek entire into the US at all costs and one of those options would be to falsify documents with original ones (mine). So I was absolutely not taking that chance, he would immediately inquire about letting him see my US passport and attempt to replicate the document or whatever. 

    I know this sounds bizarre, but when you know the person and what they are capable of doing then you are on red alert. I do not trust my own biological father with a penny. He has lied to me his whole life and he was neglected me as a daughter and never cared for my genuine well-being. He always put his interest before my actual needs, and that is exactly how he was revoked VISA in the first place- by overstaying his VISA for over two years just to make money (money that I barely ever received as parental support). My father is an alcoholic from childhood and he has his own trauma from an abusive father as well, but he choose to follow in his footsteps instead of breaking free from that type of toxic parenting or lack of parenting. Overall, I didn't feel comfortable being in his presence with his history and I knew that would also make it harder on my mom's peace and sanity to know I was in harms way. My sister and I choose to meet each other far away from our home town and reunite in the beautiful city of Cartagena. At first, I wanted to visit a place where I could see the river and ocean view too, but unfortunately that made it much harder to select a location with both options. The time frame and budget was also limited so we had to settle for one city and a few tours. 

    I am so happy I was brave enough to make this trip happen despite the limited resources. I took out a small loan to cover the final expenses - yes it is true, but with my current job I am able to repay back that small loan with installments that fit my budget. I thank the Lord for my new job schedule that also made this trip possible, I only had to take two days of PDO versus 7 if I had the basic Monday thru Friday schedule I used to have. I landed in Colombia at night and it was also hot and humid, but the night lights and atmosphere of my people was so heart-warming. I truly miss being around my people my Colombians for sure for sure. They are so respectful, loving, courteous, and polite that it was the best part of being there the whole time. I was able to greet everyone with a smile and a "good morning" that radiated happiness and joy without having to beg them to speak to me -- it was an automatic response everywhere I went. I met two sweet ladies that I kept as pen pals and they were also so welcoming and friendly. I could write one page summarizing each of the seven days I was there, but that would be like a mini book. I will only mention the highlights for this blog. 

    I took two different tours with my sister and one solo tour for the last one. As expected, sibling rivalry was alive and present, unfortunately -- me and my sister are complete opposites when it comes to character personality. We both have known this since we were kids. I am the gentle, sweetheart, with a bubbly attitude all the time and she is aggressive, rough, with a negative attitude 80% of the time. So I expected to tension to build up and friction to escalate but not to the point where being apart was the only way to simmer the situation. We had an hour long confrontation talking about everything that bothered me and how she just didn't see things the way they really are versus how she sees them. We both cried out of anger, frustration and disappointment, but after two days we and mainly she gathered herself to be able to spend the last day in peace. I love my sister dearly, but I wasn't going to let her bully me into her dynamics and her perspective of how I should do things. We are both grown 30 year old woman who have the right to decide how we live our life. I did my very best to avoid confrontation over stupid things and she accused me of being a coward for avoiding confrontation, but I was being smarter by deliberately avoiding arguing over dumb shit like not putting the wet towel over the door like I wanted to versus outside in the balcony like she instructed me to do. I kept my mouth shut because I know what was in my best interest and if putting up with her control freak and micro-managing way the only way to enjoy my vacation then so be it. 

    In the moments where she was calm, cool, and collective -- we did make fun memories and shared beautiful sights that will fuel me for a lifetime. I did learn from her as well, and now more than ever I know what I will not tolerate in a partner, because being roommates with her for a week was an eye-opener for sure. I cannot stand having to constantly nag someone to wake up early if we have plans and a limited schedule to get things done. I never labeled myself as a morning person, but I really am an early morning bird. I woke up every day before she did even if I went to bed last. I enjoyed my morning reading the bible at the balcony with the beautiful ocean view and those beautiful sunrises. I love being organized and she wasn't as tidy as she claims to be and she hogged the TV control remote and never asked what I wanted to watch. The very first day we got there she didn't even ask which bed do you prefer and just picked the one next to the balcony immediately as if I was going to take it away. Again, I thought that was rude for not even asking and I didn't say anything, but was like okay that's fine I'll take the other one. Throughout the trip I shared all my clothes, and items I brought for the trip because she didn't bring a check-in bag so I obviously brought more things because I like to be prepared. So yeah, I learned a lot about what it is like living with someone within the same corridors. I had never spent more than a day or two with someone in the same room as me, so I am thankful for that part of the trip. 

    I do miss having a sister to bond with and share my life with, but only the Lord knows why we had to be separated all these years and will continue to live our lives far away from each other. I miss her and I hope the next opportunity we have will be a million times better and we will not reach those escalating moments of tension. I already know we need two separate rooms and I will handle my own currency and we will both have our own separate tours so that we do not annoy each other for being together 24/7. I enjoyed about 60 to 70% of all the foods I had been craving to taste again. I did almost 80% of all the activities I wanted to enjoy with my sister. She gets an A++ for selecting the 4 star hotel we stayed at because the customer service was excellent and the buffet breakfast was incredible truly remarkable. I loved that hotel and the pools and views were amazing. I highly recommend GHL Corales de Indias to everyone visiting Cartagena, Colombia!!!!! I love you Colombia and I know this Sunday we will beat Argentina 1-0 in the final Copa America for sure for sure!!!! Colombia wins Copa America 2024!!!!! 

Remember "You are not a mistake because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes" allow the Lord Jesus to change your life!!!

    Thank you so much for your support and keep following for more great content!!! I have amazing videos on my YouTube channel and pictures on Instagram all you have to do is search my hashtag #amilikey


Love, Ana :) 

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