Sleepovers #Amilikey

Greetings Beautiful Bloggers!!!! I know you’ll miss me when I’m not here sharing my amazing stories. I’ve tried to cover topics that will be light hearted and fun to read to over and over again. So here is to my sleepovers from my childhood— mainly. I always wanted to attend sleepovers when I was young, but my parents particularly my mom wouldn’t allow me to stay over anyone’s home even during the day let alone at night. I had this one friend who I called my best female friend and she was allowed to sleepover my house once a month. My mom was always worried when my friend would come over to make sure we were stocked with groceries. This was her main reasoning behind once a month policy visit for a sleepover. 

My female best friend at that time was only 9 and I was 14; however, she had the maturity of a 16 year old — so that’s why we vibed so well. She was like my little sister and I would tell her everything that was going on in my life. Every time she came over for the weekend it was so much fun. She would come over after the Friday night service and stay with me until we went back to church on Sunday morning. We always made the best hot pancakes on Saturday morning for breakfast. We stayed up late on Friday night watching TV and just talking up a storm about our lives. Sometimes on Saturday evenings we would go to Pasco county to this one shopping plaza where they had a nice thrift store, Chinese takeout and a big Walmart. It was the perfect combo to stroll all at once. 

As the years passed by, unfortunately we grew apart and we just didn’t see eye to eye anymore. It was really hard, to loose someone I cared so much about and spend time with all the time. I visited her once at the hospital when she had her second daughter, because I was going to school nearby and I stopped by unannounced. I know that was crazy of me, but luckily she let me come in and see her. It’s been a long minute since that day and I wish things were different, but hopefully in due season we can rekindle our friendship or sisterhood. 

I had a few nights as an adult where I stayed at a friends house, but I don’t think I’d call that a sleepover. I mean I feel like a sleepover is mainly to reference a kid staying over his friends house. I informed my mom after the fact where I would be spending the night and I know she hated me for it. I obviously knew from like early in the afternoon I wasn’t coming home that night, but I literally waited purposefully till my approximate curfew to inform her I was staying at my friends. Looking back on it, I was irresponsible for doing that and lying to her about the reasoning. Now it’s all in the past and I’m glad I’m not lying about my whereabouts because it’s not cool to lie to the mother that has sacrificed so much to love and care for me. 

As always thanks for reading this humble blog and remember you’re not a mistake because God does not make mistakes. Keep moving forward in life with whatever you’re dealing with — it might seem impossible to overcome but believe God is the Almighty God who can deliver you out of whatever situation you’re in. Best hugs and kisses !!!!! 

-Ana ;) 


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