Night Owl #Amilikey

 Hey Beautiful Bloggers!!! So today we are broadening our horizons and continue to share my lifetime with all those who give a care. I titled this blog post Night Owl because as I am now working the graveyard shift from 05:45pm till 06;15am. Honestly, I have always loved being up at night most of my life, because it’s a more peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in general. I find there is no need to worry about anything in terms of bad weather or traffic. In the evening time there is less activity and that is always good news.  

I literally found a new way to blog while making good use of my time. I was also born at nighttime, so that gives me more credibility to be a night owl and I think it’s awesome to enjoy the night sky view with the twinkling stars and beaming satellites. Major Lol. As a reactivated night owl – I am surprised my body has acclimated so well because I don’t feel sleepy at all throughout my entire shift. I also eat well usually around 2ammy “lunch” break and my stomach doesn’t get uneasy about it either. Overall, I have been enjoying this new schedule, because it has opened another opportunity to be able to have a lot more free time. Running has become my new hobby/favorite form of exercise and when I used to work like a dog Monday through Friday for over 8 hours per day – it was impossible to squeeze in a run during the week. On Wednesday of last week, I had a viable day opened to running, but I ended up walking for over 2 miles consecutively and diverted to doing an errand. I can stay up late at night to finish watching a good movie without worrying about getting up early the next day. I also have more time to journal with more tranquility. Another perk is having more quiet time to read, because I can’t really focus on reading if there is outside noise. In full disclosure, I also have more time to pray and study the Word of God without being interrupted or distracted.  

Moreover, whenever I have multiple days off – I can adjust my bedtime and get up earlier to do whatever is that I need to get done that day. Thanks to my new schedule I now have multiple days off in a row which grants me access to schedule medical appointments during the workweek and it helps for future possible vacations or fun trips. The most exciting perk about working night shifts in my position is the opportunity to go back to school and have amble time to study/do homework. Which technically could then be called “workwork” because I would be doing my homework at work, hence the “workwork” reference. Major Lol. I feel like this opportunity lined up better than expected and I will take advantage of it as much as I can for sure for sure. I am constantly asking the RNs questions about things I am obviously oblivious to so that I can be better informed and gain more knowledge. My eyes are constantly paying attention to every little detail as well – I am an observant kind of gal.  

Overall, becoming a night owl has not been hard and I have gained so many wonderful perks that it really has been a blessing. I will cherish this season for as long as it lasts, because I know eventually when I do become a wife and a mother it probably won’t be as convenient to stay as a night owl. As always, I appreciate the support for reading my humble blog and sharing this journey alongside me called Life!!!! Remember that you are not a mistake made by your parents because God does not make mistakes. You are here for a purpose and a plan, so step aside of your ego and own agenda and open your heart to Jesus so he can set you up on the right path to fulfill that purpose. Don’t hesitate to like and share and leave a comment because feedback is welcomed, and it makes me happy to engage with my micro audience.   




Love Ana 😉  





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