Monkey Bars #amilikey


Greetings Bloggers, I know I have been away for some time now. I am still not being consistent in my time frame for blogging. I have set a weekly goal, but at times I do loose the inspiration to blog. I feel like I am not reaching the audience I wish I could reach within the right time frame. I also feel like since no one ever participates with liking, sharing, or commenting-- that it feels always in vain (like a waste of time). However, I have felt this before and I am still here so there you have it. I won't give up and my message might only reach one person, but maybe it is that one person who needs to hear this message. 

    Anyways, I wanted to share a heart-good felt story about my childhood, because honestly sometimes I feel like my childhood was so much better than my adult life period. I miss living in a house versus a small apartment. I miss being taken by nice car (my father was a mechanic so he could afford having new cars) as my main means of transportation versus having to walk and use public takes-for-ever transit. I miss having actual friends I could play with without feeling left out because I wasn't missing a status quo life style. Obviously, I don't want adult friends to play with but hangout for non-alcohol drinks get-togethers. So, every time I think of my childhood it makes me feel really good to remember those fun memories. 

    I have always been an active person in general. My mother can attest to this fact from a baby who would do a lot of shenanigans. I like being physically active, because it is fun and I like having fun. Back in elementary school, I couldn't wait for recess every day to get to play on the playground. I attended after school care at the school's playground. I was obsessed with going across the monkey bars like I was at the Olympics. Obviously, the gymnast only have two bars, one high and one low. The monkey bars at our playground had about ten bars going straight across, and then there was another set that had about the same amount but curved to the opposite side. I felt like I could do so many tricks on there I never got tired of getting on them every day for like more than 50% of time I was at after school care. My addicting habit despite how good I was, led to a terrifying hand bacteria infection that put me out of school for a whole week. I washed my hands when I went to the bathroom, but never did I think the excessive exposure to the monkey bars for days on end could lead to me catching a bacteria on my hand. For some odd reason, it was only my left hand (if I recall correctly) that swell up and started peeling non-stop with blisters. 

    I had to soak my hand in salt warm buckets of water with lime drops to kill off the infection every day. I also had to apply the famous Neosporin creme to help it heal up and ease the pain/itching sensation I also had. After a whole week of resting from the monkey bars and having sanitation to the max-- my hand came back to normal. I don't remember how long I waited before going back on the money bars, but I definitely wanted to get back on them soon enough. I tried getting on the monkey bars as an adult and boy if I got past two it was a real struggle. I was amazing on how much I sucked, because I used to be a champion at them. When I realized it was my weight that made it so much harder to propel myself from one bar to the next-- it was a shocking wake up call I needed to get healthier. I just couldn't believe I had lost all my momentum I once had as a kid. Also, made me realize I didn't eat enough as a kid and I was probably a bit too skinny. Either way I would like to get better at doing the monkey bars for sure. When I was at Planet fitness, I was able to finish their short monkey bars obstacle with the help of a pair of training sport gloves and a whole lot of practice and rushing through too. 

    Alright, I am in a bit of a hurry now because I got to get ready for work now, I just felt guilty for now posting a blog this weekend so I thought I do a quick one. Major Lol. Alright, you know the deal: You are not a mistake because God does not make mistakes!!! Allow God to enter your life and make of it a masterpiece. 



Ana :) 



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