Sixth Grade Crush Obsession #amilikey

Hola beautiful people!! I am definitely getting some boost when I see the views increase continuously. I think I might have hit a good nerve with the general audience, because inside relationship news is very interesting to learn about. People want the scoop of how people socialize and the ins and outs of the relationship. Obviously, that is how reality TV became a world-wide sensation and the non-talented Kardashians became famous for doing nothing. I share my inside stories to entertain --yes, but also bring about a life lesson and encouragement. If you had to say you actually learned valuable lessons from the Kardashians versus me, who would you honestly select? Me!! It better be me or get off my page right now. Major Lol. I was just kidding of course, but seriously other than a new form of shopping or a new way to start drama, what can you accredit the Kardashians with that is important? 

    Okay, let me take you back to my middle school first year as a sixth grader. I was totally new to the school as all my fellow fifth grade classmates ended attending a different school than the one I was district-bound to enroll with. In the beginning, I was a bit nervous so I stayed as low-key as possible. Perhaps after the first quarter of the year, I had developed a major crush on this one Caucasian boy who liked hockey and was in my elective class. He was very smart and obviously good-looking with the pretty boy face. I didn't want to tell anyone I had a crush on him, but other girls couldn't resist knowing that info about me. I told someone who was actually really good friends with him and was his neighbor from childhood. She actually printed a picture of him so I could put it in my locker, and I was crazy enough to hang up inside my locker.

    I only kept it up for a few days until it became an awkward reminder of how much I was crushing on him. She also gave me his home phone number because at this point children didn't have cell-phones yet. I specifically told her not to tell him I liked him. Somehow school gossip got to another classmate that ended up making up this stupid story about the possibility of him even considering me as a girlfriend. I totally feel for it and wanted to know if it was true or not. I went home that day and when there was no one in the living room grabbed the landline to call his home phone. I was so nervous, but ironically he picked up the phone and I said hey it's me and I just wanted to ask you a question about what someone told me you said. Of course he completely denied ever suggesting he would ask me out and I was like oh okay and then the most embarrassing thing happened. I still can't believe to this day I blurted that out like that, because obviously I didn't mean it at all. I literally said, "I love you" and hanged up the phone. It was so stupid and ridiculous and I dreaded going to school the next day. I don't remember if that sparked my next stupid move to write him an explanation letter. My classmate that knew him gave him the letter I wrote and he didn't say much after reading it. 

    He avoided me so hard after that phone call and letter it was so uncomfortable to be around him in that one class. I guess he pretty much felt like -- damn the ugly girl likes me and she is so annoying. I knew afterwards we would never speak again even as classmates. It was sad to loose that little small interaction I previously had before he knew I liked him. We thankfully went to separate high schools, so that awkward tension that remained didn't matter anymore. Ironically, years later maybe a year or two after high school, I had the audacity to friend request him on Facebook since we had so many friends in common. He actually accepted my request and we just kept to ourselves in terms of no actual interaction like messaging. One day I mentioned it was so much easier to take pictures than upload them onto my page, and he actually liked my status post and agreed. That was literally the only interaction we had via Facebook. I obviously browsed all his page and discovered where he got his good looks from -- his dad for sure. That man was in such great shape I was like wow that is his father ... nice! Major Lol. 

    Eventually a couple more years later on, when people do their Facebook cleaning I didn't make the cut or maybe I unfriend him I honestly don't know how it happened, but he is no longer on my page. So yeah, that was my crazy sixth grade crush story of how I totally overreacted/embarrassed myself. I wrote a lot of guys letters and it was always so stupid of me. Even as a grown adult, I wrote guys letters as if that made a difference for them. The foolish things I've done to get a guy's attention is just so sad for sure. I will save my writing skills for my blog instead. So there you have it, another heart-felt short story to spice it up, up in here y'all. Do not forget that you are not a mistake because God Almighty does not make mistakes. No matter how you feel about your life going well or in the slums: you have a purpose to keep living. Never give up on having a better future and allow the Lord to be a part of it all. Thank you for reading my blog. Make sure to (all in unison) : share, like, comment!!!



Ana :) 




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