Man of my Dreams #amilikey

 Heeeeyyy it’s your favorite blogger !!!! I want to post another blog that will bring some enlightenment into my persona, personality, and me. Who doesn’t have any preferences (raise your hand)? Everyone has a preference of the things they like and don’t like. If we didn’t have any preference it’s like we didn’t have feelings. Some people have less preferences than others and that’s okay too. Right now, I want to talk about the preferences I have in regards to my ideal mate. 

First of all, I do believe being attracted to your partner is essential for obvious reasons. When you’re attracted to your partner physically then you don’t have the excuse of saying well I’m just not that into them so I ended up cheating on them. When you have that physical chemistry between the both of you, it makes the connection tight and allows you to become a loyal partner. I know, I know, who am I to talk about relationships when I’ve never had a serious relationship? Well, I still know now what didn’t work and what lacked in every toxic relationship I was envolved in. I get credit for understanding the basics when it comes to making a perfect match. No one is perfect, however, I now know as long as your partner views you as perfect for them that’s all that matters. 

I want to be attracted to my dream man both physically and mentally. I want to know he is the hottest man alive just for me and no one else can have a taste of him ever. I want to always be excited about going home after work and spending that intimate, good, quality time with him as my husband. So I believe I can’t force myself to like him and be like well he has one or two good looking features physically. I want to enjoy what he looks like as a whole (even if all his features aren’t perfect). Now the features I admire in a man are: 

1. Height (short men just don’t make me feel like I’m with a real man but a boy) I want my man to pick me up and carry me to the bedroom on our honeymoon— Yes! But I also want him to reach things for me I can’t reach and just be the strong male I need in my life to help me physically when I can’t do something. My ideal height is between minimum 5’10” to tops 6’1”. 

2. Light colored eyes like blue or green 😍 or gray or hazel or those amazing mixtures of more than one color but still gorgeous. Brown eyes are boring because everyone has them. 

3. Curly hair— I love love love curly hair and I’d like to have babies with curly hair. 

4. Light skin all the way. I am not racist obviously 🙄 but that is what really makes my motors run, when I see a white male or a light skin male of any ethnicity. I don’t care if they were born in Antártica (now I wonder if anyone has ever been born there) or Fiji I just want them to be of light complexion because that is what I am attracted to more than anything. 

5. Dirty blonde hair color!!! Naturally any hair color other than black, because again everyone has black hair color and that’s also boring. 

6. Fit body, muscular with some nice abs!!! Not like bodybuilding— eww 😷 that’s gross looking. I want naturally fit with normal exercise regimen, but not too much where you look like a mini hulk. 

7. Big lips are a bonus because when you kiss someone with thin lips it’s just not the same and y’all know what am talking about. 

8. Healthy smile 

9. Cute button nose or medium nose —- I do not like pointy big nose 

10. If he has a nice junk in the trunk I don’t mind at all but it’s not essential. 

So those are my top feature preferences that makes me be attracted physically to a man. Also, if he can sing or has a skill like playing basketball or playing an instrument like the piano that’s also super attractive. Now mentally, you have to stimulate my mind or else you’re only half way to my aorta. You can be fine as wine, but if you can’t hold a conversation about something other than pop culture — you are history. Obviously I’m not a genius or have a high IQ. Yet, I still want to discuss politics, nature, human interaction, and topics that are interesting and you can have an in depth conversation. I want you to make me laugh because you’re genuinely funny and not because you’re telling dad jokes or making stupid imitating sounds. I want my man to like to be a talker because I can talk all day long. I don’t want you to just sit there and listen to me and not equally partake in the conversation. 

I need a man who can be spontaneous about the ordinary things in life like remembering to buy me my favorite dark chocolate boujee chocolate when I’m with Mother Nature. Don’t ask me if I want some or if I need some dark chocolate just give it to me and do it in a creative way. Like I sometimes to be playful put something underneath my mom’s pillow before she goes to bed and the next day she just starts laughing I did that. There are so many ways to express love it’s ridiculous how many people go through life in a boring marriage or relationship. I need my man to be fun, outgoing, kind, have real empathy for all people. 

I need a man who can be playful (and not just sexually) without being offensive or demeaning. I want you to roast me in a loving and caring kind of way. Just know where to stop and not take it overboard. Like for example, I know I’m short so go ahead make short girl jokes, but don’t say where my height makes me inadequate to do things right. Just the know the difference between being playful and being a jerk. This one fool had the audacity to criticize me for my teeth, but he was a smoker. Like those types of things you don’t bring about so brutally. And I will get my teeth whitening soon FYI fool. 

I also know given my own physical appearance I can’t bank on getting someone that fits all my preferences, because it wouldn’t be fair to him to be that amazing and end up with just me. I know men want a tall woman, with long legs, big bootie, big breast, big lips, big hips, thin waist, and I don’t have those features in that size. So as long as I can be more than 80% attracted to his features then I’m good. If he can have at least 5 of the 10 features I am into then we are good. Once we pass the physical attraction and you stimulate my mind when we talk, baby we are set for life. 

Obviously, I don’t mean that those are the only aspects in a man I want either. Before I even get to the physical and mental attraction— you have to be faith bound or you’re not in my radar. I need man who can pray for me and with me all the time. I need a man who is going to be my accountability partner in the spiritual realm. If he sees me not pursuing Jesus as I should I need him to call me out on it and help me get back on track. I want him to trust me and see me 2nd to Jesus in his life. I do come before his momma and his family. I am his 2nd priority after God. I need a man who is genuinely faithful to serving the Lord and doesn’t take Christianity as a spectator. I know I haven’t done nearly enough in the Kingdom of God, but I am aware I can do more and I will do more. I also need a man who has his finances in balance. Not a billionaire, millionaire, or rich man, but a man who can afford to sustain himself and a family. I need a man who will read my marriage proposal blog post and agree to more than 90% of it ( really it should be 100% because everything I said was true but I’ll give a slight micro waver on something). 

I want and need a man who agrees to having four beautiful babies with me and that includes adopting one of those four. I need a man who shares the same views about parenting as I want to parent. I don’t believe in timeouts to sit in a corner and face the wall. I believe in real hard age appropriate labor to teach them discipline. You misbehaved as a five year old, you will help me do the laundry from start to finish and I don’t care if don’t know how to fold because you’re about to learn. You misbehaved as a twelve year old, you will help me do all the house cleaning and we are doing deep cleaning so get ready to move some furniture too. I want to raise kids who appreciate what they have and can be independent from an early age. I don’t want them to not know how to cook their own meals or be self sufficient. My mommy spoiled me too much as a kid and had I had more discipline and instruction I’d probably would have done better in my early 20s. Loving your kids is not about giving them everything you didn’t have or wanted, but about helping them become well-rounded individuals with integrity. 

I share the things that matter the most to me in a man. I hope you found my preferences somewhat enjoyable and delightful. Like I said before, I won’t get someone with all 10 features because that would be too good to be true and a total unfairness for him. But I do hope more than anything when he finally shows up in my life he will embrace this blog and be my number one follower!!! I hope he can see and understand I share these stories not for the fame but for a real reason to shed some encouragement to those in need. To remind people they are not a mistake, because God does not make mistakes. To motivate them to seek Jesus and find their purpose for life. 

Again, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and if you know someone that fits the mold send them this link. Major Lol. It won’t hurt to share in general too!!! 



Ana ;) 


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