Fiction versus Non-Fiction #amilikey


Buenas Tardes mi gente!! That is usually what I would say in Spanish because I can and I want to, too!! I am coming here in the promise I made to myself to keep up with my blog posting and to post one blog per week. Tomorrow is the deadline, so I am being proactive and posting it today and also because I have a 12 hour shift scheduled for tomorrow and I do not want to forget to post. I always struggle a little bit to come up with a topic that is effective and meaningful to talk about without oversharing (which I know is one of my intuition to always do about my personal life). 

    On today's theme I will enlightened you about which genre is best and why I recommend spending your time with non-fiction reading versus fiction. I believe fiction is a total waste of time because you are not learning absolutely nothing from this fiction novel/book. I think if you are going to waste some time like we all like to do with screen time viewing, it should be with fiction because it is highly entertaining to watch fiction versus just reading it. Fiction is all about creating a lie-- nothing presented in the literature is real and therefore a made up lie of its' entire content. I enjoy watching Marvel, Disney, DreamWorks, Fox Century films, but it is appealing to see the action performed by the superheroes and actors fighting to save the world than just trying to imagine it in your mind. People have these cool book clubs (which I also low-key always wanted to be a part of one) that are mainly based off of fiction books and I wish they would invest their time reading non-fiction instead. 

    When you read non-fiction you can rely on the authenticity of the book, because it is classified as being real hence the non-fiction label. You always learn something new -- even if it is about the hardships of someone's autobiography/biography. If you pay close attention to the narrative being presented to you, it may also bring you about a worthy life lesson that you can keep in mind. If someone else shares their life stories about how they were able to overcome poverty or anxiety over a long period of time: that then becomes a solid piece of learning tool for your personal use. How someone became a successful entrepreneur might just spark something in you that will create a new sense of motivation and inspiration. There are so many good things you can acquire from reading non-fiction that it is never a waste of time to read non-fiction content. It is precisely the reason as to why I stay put to reading only non-fiction. 

    For example, the most recent book I read was Diary of a Survivor: Nineteen Years in a Cuban Women's Prison by Ana Rodriguez and Glenn Garvin. I was once again so appreciative of my freedom and the liberty to access everyday necessities without strictions or violence. Everyday we forget the blessing that it is to be free of incarceration of any kind whether self-inflicted or wrongly condemned. We live our lives too entitled to being free we could never fathom the notion of losing that right and privilege as normal citizens. This very book enhances that empathy you feel when you learn of the horrors these women were subjected to every day for years on end without any justification. I was gripped with every turning page to learn more and more about harsh and severe the conditions of the prisons were without hope to change. I can't imagine having to suffer any of those inhumane conditions for a second let alone years. Ana's survival story is truly compelling but heart-warming also to know the will of someone trying to survive against all odds and being able to live a life after incarceration. 

    Most of the non-fiction books I've had the privilege of reading have been biographies and they are absolutely my favorite because it always widens my scope of how people have lived their lives. I always take away from each of them a new sense of appreciation for not enduring such struggles but also appreciation for what I have been blessed with in my life like knowing my parents and family. It also teaches me that in certain circumstances it is best to imitate their actions if I want to obtain the outcome they too experienced. For instance, in the case of dealing with corrupt people: it is best to steer away from them as much as possible even if it hinders your current situation because in the long run it will prove to be the better option. Biting down your tongue versus blurting out your opinion isn't always easy, but it is better to be silent then to give your opponent access to aim back with something you disclosed out of emotions. 

    I hope the next book you select is non-fiction, and that you really get something positive out of it. Knowledge is power and you can gain more knowledge by being selective of the material you read. Academic books are non-fiction for the most part and I wish I could have felt less hesitant to read back in my grade school years. Reading comprehension was not my strength because I always felt rushed and pressured to understand the authors purpose, theme, conclusions to its' reading material. I hated my reading class because it made it all about having to infer the answers based on the story. I just wanted to answer questions to the facts about the story and not, "What would make a good title for this passage and why?" it was these questions I thought could not have a one correct answer alone. Now, I enjoy reading non-fiction because I know it is real and I can gain something out of it for my well-being. Also, reading academic reports on studies being done to analyze a particular pattern or problem are much more fascinating then reading stupid Alas, Babylon book. 

    Okay, I hope I have motivated you to pick up a good non-fiction book or article to gain more knowledge and learn something that adds value to your life. Perhaps by starting off with reading more of my blog posts that are definitely non-fiction all the way. Thank you for reading my humble blog and remember the key theme to never forget you are not a mistake made by your parents nor by God because God does not make mistakes. You have value and a great purpose to fulfill so don't give up on life and keep striving to do better a little at a time. I care about your well-being so cheer up and remember you live to be a part of God's plan. Take courage and allow Him to be present in your life by faith. 



Ana :)



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