
Showing posts from 2020

Running for my life

 Hey bloggers!!!!!! I know I have neglected you all once more, but what can I say -- I have been pretty occupied. Work is work. No new news there unfortunately. I have met new people thru "work" and some have left a memorable impact on me personally. Wish and pray the very best for them as always.  The more exciting news to me is the new hobby I picked up about two weeks ago. I have been actively seeking to be healthier and be more active. I took advantage of my lunch hour and asked my now official coach to send me a 10 minute ab workout for me to do. I received the text with the link and enjoyed it. Afterwards, he challenged me to run a mile too and I took the challenge. It started out with just one mile and then incorporated the 2 miles per day for about a week. I feel great at the end of my run when I am actually done. Major Lol.  The drip sweat feels really empowering like I am a champion. I know there is so much more for me to train and get in shape but I am loving t...

Access Denied

    Welcome to the one and only most none-viewed public blog in all America/Universe!!! Major Lol. Not funny at all home-girl, but I give you credit for lifting my spirit. I know looking back, I acted premeditated in my decision to resign; however, I was truly unhappy and embarrassed to provide such bad quality service to the clients due to the company's infrastructure. Coming into the market again, I knew it wasn't gonna be like bam in just a few days or even weeks like less than single digits -- I would be rehired. Clearly, COVID-19 has made this task that much more difficult and frustrating. There should be a law that prohibits people like me with the desire to work and be a productive citizen to have to climb mountain Everest just for a interview.      I desperately wish there was a system that monitored the productivity of every citizen and allowed them to be integrated into the workforce at a much more smooth transition. If you wanted to earn a living...

But I am here now...

    Hey you bloggers of mine!!! At this very moment in time I have to be honest with myself: my blog gets crap views and nobody cares to comment or share. So, what do I have left: a therapeutic outlet for myself and an online public journal. Maybe in another five to ten years this might get at least 100 views per day, but I don't even know what that would mean in the scope of popularity. I always wonder how these other people literally live off just writing blogs, and make enough to live affluently, but it is what it is.      The only reason I ever started writing blogs was because I discovered it was free of charge to me and that made it super exciting. I could share my thoughts and experiences with everyone who cares to read it and I was hooked. Yes, I had to restart it, because the original one was deleted about 2 years ago (wish I wouldn't have done that). So, back to the theme of my blog entry, I am here now and there is no going back in time.    ...

No Daddy for me

    Yo, Yo, what's new? I know everyone will be celebrating Father's Day at the beach tomorrow -- how awesome to those that can do so, but as for me it's just another day of the week. A cruel reminder of what I have never had and will never have so long as I live. Let's dive in and explore as to how this is my reality.      For starters: what is a REAL father? A MAN ( a woman will always be a mother period) who is a care-taker; one who provides financially; one who loves his kids with actual care and quality time spent with them; one who disciplines with maturity and not mental or physical abuse; one who teaches and provides counsel for all of life's episodes, and the one people tend to disassociate: having and giving RESPECT to their child's mother. This is the man who can claim true fatherhood; those that merely pay the government a child support check to the DCF so they don't end up in jail are NOT to be recognized as a real father. Now, let's also be...

How I met him...

    Evening beautiful bloggers!!! I always go back and forth on what topic to bring to light, nonetheless, I am super grateful for the opportunity to share my life experiences. Lately, I have been catching up on some powerful films that have strengthen my own walk and faith. This past Tuesday, I received the book I had been longing to read for some time now. It is called "No such thing as can't" by Dr. Sexton and Lisa Sexton. My review is posted on my Facebook page .      As a burn survivor, my treatment for burn care lasted until I was 18 years old. During my junior year in high school, my operation had been scheduled for the summer before school started. My doctor had performed a facial surgery on my mouth to enable me to be able to better eat. It was at this time I met one of the volunteers at Shriners Hospital for Children, his name is Tyler Sexton, and he was accompanied by his dog Danny. He came to cheer me up and I guess do what people would call "therapy...

My V-card

        OMG I'm back and it hasn't even been that long since I shared my thoughts with you bloggers. Well, I thought this time I dig a little deeper than usual. I have talked about this topic before in my blog posts titled: Sex- don't equal love; born to porn? However, I'd like to touch on one specific aspect of this genre.          Let me brake it down for you non-pop-culture readers; when anyone in this age in time refers to the V-card: it means their virginity. I am not surrounded by the actual teens of this new age group, so they might have another lingo word to refer to it, but I like to use the V-card reference. So, with that being clarified I can now proceed to explain how I feel about loosing the V-card. I personally fell into peer pressure by some stranger and just literally let him have it as if it was something he should of ever been granted. I had absolutely no feelings for the bastard, nor was I even attracted to him. It was a...

Thursday Updates

Good evening beloved bloggers and audience!! I just wanted to share the good news that I am still alive and well – not that anyone is concerned about my whereabouts – considering I have 0 followers or subscribers to this blog. I have come to the agreement between me, I, and myself this is just a therapeutic form of writing that helps me and maybe 3 strangers who are extremely bored on the internet that might take a few minutes to read what I have to say.    Anyways, regardless of the non-popularity this blog has – I am just grateful google allows me this tiny spot in the world wide web. Thus far I have profited $1.09 from ads displaying on my blog posts. Yeah, that is all from like over two years. So, I can’t make a living out of being a blogger unfortunately; nonetheless, I enjoy it greatly because when I am feeling a little down or randomly  bored,  I go back and reread my own posts.     I truly meant to stay put, but the inconsistency and ...

New Chance

Greetings My lovely audience, I have to say I am beyond blessed to once again be on a healthy routine. I am employed through a full-time job and I enjoy assisting people with the service we provide in the health industry company. I began this new journey at the beginning of December 2019 and I am thriving each day as I progress to increase my knowledge and skills. I can't thank the Lord enough, for answering my prayer to be back in the office setting environment. I will always cherish the moments I spent outside in the sun sweating off my body in exchange for a misery pay that only supplied my basic needs. I know it was a time to reflect on the opportunities given and taken. Life has its' ups and downs, in this season of my life I have experienced both -- never taking for granted my current employment. Many people applaud my skills, yet, they are unaware of where I come from and how hard it has taken me to obtain the position I have now-- so judge me all you, but I will rem...