New Chance

Greetings My lovely audience, I have to say I am beyond blessed to once again be on a healthy routine. I am employed through a full-time job and I enjoy assisting people with the service we provide in the health industry company. I began this new journey at the beginning of December 2019 and I am thriving each day as I progress to increase my knowledge and skills.

I can't thank the Lord enough, for answering my prayer to be back in the office setting environment. I will always cherish the moments I spent outside in the sun sweating off my body in exchange for a misery pay that only supplied my basic needs. I know it was a time to reflect on the opportunities given and taken. Life has its' ups and downs, in this season of my life I have experienced both -- never taking for granted my current employment.

Many people applaud my skills, yet, they are unaware of where I come from and how hard it has taken me to obtain the position I have now-- so judge me all you, but I will remain loyal to one entity at a time. I want to prove people I am a hard-worker and I remain loyal to one industry. I shall have my reigning moment in the near-future but now is the time to build my resume with loyalty and endurance. Build my skills up to where there is no shadow of a doubt I am enough for the top position.

Moral of my story is that : without trials -- you shall never emphasis what it means to gain something because you never needed anything. Be consistent in one thing: never stop fighting for a better tomorrow financially, spiritually and personally.
Glad to be able to share this journey with those that take the time to view my humble blog.

- Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

-- ANA :)


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