How I met him...

    Evening beautiful bloggers!!! I always go back and forth on what topic to bring to light, nonetheless, I am super grateful for the opportunity to share my life experiences. Lately, I have been catching up on some powerful films that have strengthen my own walk and faith. This past Tuesday, I received the book I had been longing to read for some time now. It is called "No such thing as can't" by Dr. Sexton and Lisa Sexton. My review is posted on my Facebook page

    As a burn survivor, my treatment for burn care lasted until I was 18 years old. During my junior year in high school, my operation had been scheduled for the summer before school started. My doctor had performed a facial surgery on my mouth to enable me to be able to better eat. It was at this time I met one of the volunteers at Shriners Hospital for Children, his name is Tyler Sexton, and he was accompanied by his dog Danny. He came to cheer me up and I guess do what people would call "therapy". Obviously, I had a hard time talking because I had surgery on my mouth, but it was so hard not to be me -- you know talkative and cheery. Major Lol. Personally, I am not a dog lover, so I just mainly focused on the art craft he had brought for me to do as he talked to me. Dr. Sexton was going to med school at the time we met in the hospital, and after the initial first time meeting-- he came back again. I had actually switched rooms and I thought --"Yes, now he won't find me." He totally went and searched for me and I was like dang he is not a quitter. It is not that I didn't want to talk with him, but that operation really did impair my talking and at that moment emotionally I just wanted to be left alone. 

    Reflecting back on it, I am glad he came to look for me and he spent that time talking to me and making me feel as if I wasn't alone. My mother usually stayed with me during every after surgery hospital recovery, but this time around she had to stay at home with my little brother who happens to be special needs kid. So, I perhaps was feeling lonely at that time, and having too much time to overthink things. He gave me his card and he also met my family briefly the next day. I emailed him a few times here and there to stay in touch. Once his first book was published, I immediately purchased it and was fortunate to have it autographed by him. During my technical schooling at Concorde Career College, I was honored to do a project on cerebral palsy and introduce him to my classmates. His story is absolutely remarkable and I am honored to have met him personally myself. Viewing his amazing journey throughout these years has been very gratifying and mainly motivational to me. 

    Tyler is now a wonderful doctor of medicine and that alone speaks volumes for his growth and transformation. I encourage you to checkout his book and more of his inspirational true story. Remember as always, you are significant and with God you can live to see better days in your life filled with purpose and joy. Thanks for reading this humble blog and checkout the rest of the posts. 


- Ana :) 



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