Running for my life

 Hey bloggers!!!!!! I know I have neglected you all once more, but what can I say -- I have been pretty occupied. Work is work. No new news there unfortunately. I have met new people thru "work" and some have left a memorable impact on me personally. Wish and pray the very best for them as always. 

The more exciting news to me is the new hobby I picked up about two weeks ago. I have been actively seeking to be healthier and be more active. I took advantage of my lunch hour and asked my now official coach to send me a 10 minute ab workout for me to do. I received the text with the link and enjoyed it. Afterwards, he challenged me to run a mile too and I took the challenge. It started out with just one mile and then incorporated the 2 miles per day for about a week. I feel great at the end of my run when I am actually done. Major Lol. 

The drip sweat feels really empowering like I am a champion. I know there is so much more for me to train and get in shape but I am loving this new fitness lifestyle. Hopefully that 5K will be conquered before my next birthday. I just want to share this new activity in my life and if you are interested there is also a short video on my YouTube channel you can view. Just go to YouTube and type my all time favorite hashtag #amilikey and you will find it. 

It's never too late to start a new hobby for a good reason. Something that motivates you and fuels your inner fire for success. I want to be the best version of myself I can be and this will be manifested in my new running performance. I will see you all at the finish line each and every time metaphorically speaking!!! 

As always, thanks for stopping by and giving me the opportunity to share a little piece of my life with you all, hoping to motivate and inspire you as well. Remember you are not a mistake because God is perfect and HE does not make mistakes. You have a purpose and life gets better when you appreciate the small stuff and share your love with someone else, start with a genuine smile!!!

Xoxoxoxoxo - Ana ") 


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