Recap 2018

Congratulations Bloggers we made it to 2019!!!! What an amazing feeling right? Yes, of course! Anyways, I made this super cool video on the summary outlook of my 2018, so go ahead and view yourself on YouTube.

Now, for those who would like a bit more exclusive detail and are willing to read it, then you have arrived at the right place. I will provide for you certain things I did not mention in the video as well as a small synopses of the video too. 

I have always been open and honest with my audience and I will continue to do so for as long as I shall live. I basically have talked about all the parts of my life from childhood to my piece of kaka "love" life, so you cannot accuse me of misleading anyone with my honest and heartfelt blogs. 

Last year I clearly made way too many poor judgement decisions that led me to nothing but despair and regret. I allowed people to take full advantage of me and that is one thing no-one should ever compromise. You are always deserving of self-respect and the respect from others. The concept of having to earn someone respect is just wrong, because if nobody is willing to give respect than we are just all rude people and the cycle never ends. The only thing you have to earn from people is their trust in who you are as person. 

I ruined my credit score by maxing out every credit card I took out while I still had a good score. Obviously, I knew better than that, but finding myself in a state of somewhat freedom I abused it and I wanted to have fun. I made Uber and Lyft a lot more rich that's for sure. Major Lol. I purposely pawned a few things I never intended to get back so that they would give me the maximum amount of money. These actions were all impulsed by hanging out with the wrong crowd and seeking to live the "luxurious" life I never had (basically eating out and buying things I never had like a fit-bit,etc.).   

I also must say my entire year wasn't completely reckless. I did enroll in school for the 4th time and completed the program from start to finish through all the mess I was going through I did it. I was involved in many volunteering events for school and Shriners Hospital for Children, so I am very grateful and happy about all those hours I spent giving of myself for a greater cause. 

And yes although some people are tired of hearing me say it, but I also experienced heartbreak at the hands of RJ3 (that's his made up code name). I came to realize I have unconditional love for him and I put up with way too much of his bs and wrong treatment towards me. I can honestly say I do love him dearly but that is NOT the equivalent of being IN love with him. I also know deep deep deep down he never intentionally meant to hurt me, but it would be nice to receive a genuine apology for all of 2018 from him. I miss him everyday and no matter what I do and who I end up marrying (if I ever do) he literally took a piece of my heart for all eternity. I would say it's probably like an eighth (1/8) of my heart and the good memories will never fade in my mind.

I also worked and paid taxes for 4 months out of the year. But not because I didn't want to work before June or after October; the circumstances just presented themselves in that manner. So, I will zip it for now and give you guys a breather. I know you smiled and laughed and that was worth my time and energy into this new blog post. 

Remember you are important to me and someone else even if it's just your mommy Jk Jk Jk but really don't feel useless or worthless ever, because you are not. You have purpose and your life matters in the great circle of life (yes the Lion King movie is coming out this year yeahy Lol). 

Thank you for reading, now go and comment, like, or share!!!


Ana :) 


  1. Hi, dear! It’s so amazing post! Would you like follow each other? Victoria

    1. Thank You so much !!! Yes absolutely would love to follow back!


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