Flashback Friday!!!

Flashback Friday Baby!!!!
Well, let me start by saying that I freaking love, love, love and oh yeah LOVE Fridays!!!!! Why??? Because it is always the diggie it diggie BOMB. Major Lol. Seriously though on a serious note the Fridays I have lived here on planet earth have been incredible and amazing. One of the most memorable ones has been my sweet fifteen. Also, not gonna lie- this is on a side note of personal boy trouble- all the crazy shenanigans have happened on a Friday as well, what do you know. 

        So back to the first mention of my sweet fifteen birthday party. It was by surprise and it was on a Friday. I didn’t skip school that day as most people would have done, especially considering it was a Friday. My then middle school friends – I was still in middle school when I turned 15 unfortunately- had planned a lovely lunch party in the conference room. They ordered pizza and had a nice big cake for me and all the people there, I was so overwhelmed with joy and excitement. One of my other friends, who know is a world-wide traveler and photographer bought me the big birthday balloon I had been begging for because I wanted to feel special and important. Now, to be honest I can say the real reason behind it was founded on the desire to be like the Caucasian affluent teens; they always paraded their wealth via presents and brand-name clothing, so I wanted just for that day to feel like they felt all the time being showered with gifts and flaunting it for everyone to see. Afterwards, my beloved mami made my favorite lasagna and strawberry cake and invited at that time my best friends. My bestie was like 7 years younger than me, but we bonded like sisters and to this day I sincerely miss her so much, she stayed over the whole weekend.

     Apart from that epic Friday, I have also plenty of more memorable moments that just happened to occur on you know it, now say it with me  F R I D A Y !!!!!!!! Major Lol. On the top of my big head, I can’t recollect any particular moments, because there are so many that stand out to me personally. However, just to wrap up this juice personal blog post, let me introduce you to a new character in my life. His name is profe C., well technically that’s what I nicknamed him because he is so freaking smart and plays sports. I wanted to briefly introduce him, because he deserves a little recognition for being so nice to me and always having the time to listen to my shenanigans and my “guy” troubles – not really but it sounds dramatic – while I talk non-stop. Profe C. even gets me, like when I recapitulate a story he will then be on my side and say that what I had to say makes perfect sense. Maybe he is just allured by the fact that we live in separate countries and different continents, that he keeps in touch with me in order to have a foreign friend. Nahhhhh, I am just kidding hehehhehe, we are actually from the same nationality and he doesn’t have a preference to America or is so overwhelmed by Americans, and he actually would prefer to travel to Europe instead.

     Anyways I already probably said a little too much, but hey that is who I am, so too bad so sad for you. Smile face with my tongue out emoji. Lol. OhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and I almost forgot TODAY can be one of those true epic Fridays as my Golden State Warriors take down the King for good in a total Sweep of 4-0. You know it can happen if KD gets in there like a mad baller and nails another epic last second 3-pointer. Either way I guess it already will be epic, because I will enjoy the NBA Finals game and have a blast yelling and screaming at the TV alongside my beautiful family. Go DubNation !!!!!!!!!!  


Ana J 



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