My Marriage Proposal

If you want to be my lover you gotta blah blah blah. Major Lol. You know the song from the Spicy Girls. This topic is dear to my heart because I know it will work and be 100% effective. I believe that marriage should be a mutual understanding between two people that love each other deeply. I have a full marriage proposal that is based on financial stability and mutual rules between the husband and wife. Which is also the only legitimate form of marriage = 1 man and 1 woman.

Financial Stability:

1. My money is my money and it goes into my OWN bank account
2. No joint accounts EVER
3. Your money is your money and it goes into your own bank account     
4. We split the MAIN BILLS in half
5. Main Bills- a. Rent/Mortgage
B. Electricity
C. Groceries
D. Water Bill
E. Cable/Internet
6. Every other expense is your responsibility as a grown ass person
7. You pay your own insurance on car and every expense to maintain the car
8. You pay your own medical insurance and any necessary procedures like tonsils
9. Neither of us is obligated to give each other money like an “allowance” we ain’t each others     parents
10. When we decide to go out if it was a mutual idea then we split the check
11. If I want to invite my husband out then I pay for all expenses
12. If my husband decides to invite me out he pays all expenses
13. As long as we both contribute to the main bills, neither one of us can question what the other does with his or her money, so if you have no cash left after paying your fair share of half the bills then too bad that’s your problem
15. Unless you are willing to pay 10% interest on the money borrowed don’t ask then


1. We are both grown adults therefore DO NOT DARE TELL ME WHERE I CAN AND CANNOT GO because I am not your child and I DO NOT NEED YOUR PERMISSION
2. I will ALWAYS inform you where I am going and with who I am hanging out
3. When you want to take a mini vacation or a get away trip with your homeboys or family you have 3 days prior to leaving to inform me so everything that needs to be taken care is done
4. If you are not home by 9:00 PM then you are responsible for telling me where you are and if you are coming home that night via a text or phone call
6. The instance that you put your penis in someone else body we are OVER no excuses
7. IF I can remain loyal and faithful to you I expect the exact same level of commitment and respect for vowing to marry me
8. You brake the law I will NOT COVER UP for you
9. I am not your mom therefore you know how to act and what is an acceptable behavior
11. You can DO your own laundry and pick up your shoes
12. The HOME CLEANING will be split too
a. bathrooms b. kitchen c. living room/dinning room
  d. bedrooms e. hallways and front/back outdoors area

13. CLEANING will be completed on Saturday Mornings whatever areas are left to be cleaned
15. When we do argue and fight verbally without insulting each other DON’T worry you are not my dog so you will NEVER have to sleep on the COUCH
16. SEX can NEVER be used as revenge or getting back at you for anything
17. When we have kids, they will receive an allowance from age 10 to 17; first it will be weekly then daily after they’re 15 and it increases according to age
18. When they misbehave they will loose privileges and chores will be doubled
19. After they’re 18 they are responsible for all their expenses
20. If they want or need money I will be willing to lend them at a 10% interest
21. If they want a car, college, luxuries then get a legal job and pay up.

I believe I have addressed the main points of a marriage. We will continue to be independent individuals who choose to love and live with each other WITHOUT needing each other to survive. Marriage will never be easy and there has to be a lot of compromise to make it work, but if you instill these guidelines above it will make marriage so much better. Money problems should be very minimal to almost non-existent. Neither the husband or wife will be overwhelmed because all the responsibilities will be shared equally. No secrets between each other unless it involves a romantic surprise like a weekend getaway trip by surprise. Remembering always that we married each other to support our dreams and to share all of life the good times and bad times. Making time and effort to keep the marriage alive through dates and exciting adventures together like climbing a cool mountain or participating in a third world country outreach. What God United let No Man/Woman separate!!!!

Thanks for reading have a great day and remember you are important & have something to contribute in this lifetime.


Ana :)



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