Sex - Don't Equal Love

“I want to be a tear,
To be born in your eyes,
Grow in your cheeks,
And die on your lips”
     That’s a small poem a friend of mine once told me. I love romance and the idea of happily ever after, but let’s be real- life isn’t a fairy-tale. You don’t get what you want, when you want it, or how you want it. People will continue to come and go as they please. Love is real, but it is not found in men or women. 

     I have experience both sides of the coin, I have had pleasure for the hell of it, and I have attempted to make a relationship out of lust. Neither one worked in the end. I came to realize 99% of all men on earth could care less about me and a woman; they only seek to satisfy their need to bust a good nut. Men don’t express their feelings, and they have sex just for the sexual pleasure. Contrary to us females, we feel something when we’re having sex and it turns into more emotional feelings/connections. 

     I wish I could proudly say I had the right to wear white to my future wedding, but I can’t. I am not sharing this personal detail of my life to gain followers or make myself popular. I want to be that voice of reason for a younger female out there thinking about engaging in sexual activities. It always starts out with some French kissing and some 2nd base action, next thing you know you’re pass 3rd and straight into home base. Sex feels incredible when it’s done right, but that’s not the point of the discussion. Obviously, if sex wasn’t worth the high – people would actually wait till marriage. 

     I would have never imagined myself as an active sexual being for several reasons:
1. I literally thought since no man had ever asked me out – I was so undesirable physically
2. I felt like I wasn’t good enough to be desired sexually
3. I thought my upbringings and strong faith would most definitely keep in away from all of that always 

It turns out I was wrong in all three points. Men have no standards when it comes to having sex. They will have sex with any female that will open up. Men could care less if you are pretty, smart, clean, well-mannered, etc. If you have a vagina or a whole – they will hit it. It sounds graphic and gruesome; yet, it’s the real deal of what happens. 

     I had my very 1st kiss with a stranger one night and we 
fooled around in his car. I wasn’t even expecting him to kiss me, since we hadn’t mentioned that as part of our interaction. He never really contacted me afterwards – except to bring up the option of having sex. I texted him maybe once or twice after that night. My sexual monster was awaken over a sleepover at Nathan’s house, because we cuddled for several minutes. I thought we had a connection, and I stupidly believed he liked me as a potential girlfriend. He later stated it was only friendly cuddling and it meant absolutely nothing to him. After that night and experience, I was kept in a longing state for more physical interaction. 

     His rejection and sexual appeal, drove me to trying online dating- which I did engage in for about a year on and off. I have had tinder, match, POF, OkCupid, KIK, and other online dating profiles. They all resulted in the same thing – regret and disillusion. I was shocked to see the amount of men messaging me with the most common lies: - You are so beautiful , you so fine and sexy, I want to be with you, etc. These people could care less about what I thought about them or anything, so long as I would engage in their dirty conversations and agreed to do something with them. I embarrassedly have to admit I caved in with about a dozen or more online dating men. Let me clarify this before you jump to your own conclusions. When I say caved in with about a dozen: It only refers to the fact that I allowed 5 people to physically interact with me in some way or another. No, I did not have sex with all 5 huge mistakes. 

     The last ones I interacted with lead me on to think they were actually serious about getting with me and starting a serious relationship. I have never had a real boyfriend or real relationship. I lowered my standards for no reason worthwhile. I gave up the most precious gift I had to offer my future husband. I now know internally and externally the severity and consequences of being sexually active. Apart from the orgasm you may or may not experience, being sexually active causes so much emotional distress/trauma. 

     Please understand just one thing, I have been there and Done that BS all through my last years of HS. If you love yourself and respect who You are as a person-then becoming sexually active is not on your to-do-lists. It’s always better to focus on your adulting and stability for employment. Once all of that is taken care of, we need to tighten up and let love come to us.

     Moral of me sharing this relies on the need I see teenagers not knowing what is truly best. People can deny they aren’t in need of anything but trust me when I say they’re in need but won’t let. Love starts off with that attraction and slowly progresses with time to affection. I am clearly no expert in relationships and I have learned from them. Do not give it up so easily and remember – just because he was willing to fuck, it still don’t mean He will want a serious girlfriend. Please just take a few minutes to think it through and you’ll notice later on I was right.

Till next time, this is Ana – the best Colombian Ever!!!!

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