How I remember it...

       Everyone is afraid to ask me the obvious question of what happened. I seek for people to ask me all the time. I am not afraid to tell my story as it happened. Many people may underestimate my potential and think of me as a disabled person, but believe me I am not a disabled person in any kind of way.

         In 1993, on New Year's Eve I was entering the kitchen (a room set up as a kitchen) in search for something to drink because I was thirsty. My older sister did not want to accompany me to the kitchen, and now I am very grateful she did not come with me that night. As I stared at the lady inside the kitchen, she continued to pour gasoline into the propane oven that ignited and exploded; so she threw it and it landed right in front of me - I caught on fire. 

             My angel - my mother - noticed the smoke coming out the kitchen and ran to put the fire out with her bare hands. She rushed me to the hospital on a good Samarian driving by at the time, because Colombia doesn't have a 911 system in place. When I arrived at the hospital I was immediately placed under wet towels or sheets to stop the continuous burning of my skin layers. As a burn survivor, I have learned a lot about being a burn patient. 

              I was placed in an induced comma for about two weeks, and the doctors kept telling my mother I wasn't going to make it. My mom wasn't a believer at the time, but she said I know there is a God, please save my daughter. And years later here I am at 28 years of age and still thriving through the ups and downs. I am a true miracle of God and I am forever grateful and indebted to the Lord for what He has done for me.

             People may question how I can possible still remember that day that changed my life forever as a three year old; however, I will never forget that day so long as I live. I believe I have been blessed with a mild photographic memory and I have vivid experienced in my memory/mind of when I was about 10 months of age as well. I am a unique individual all around, so I do not place emphasis on the negative comments people say about me. I know who I am and what I have to offer; therefore, I have nothing to fear or be co-dependent on seeking people's approval of my persona.

                      When I publish my book, I will tell the story in even more detail. For now, this is a relatively good summary of what happened to my face and body. Please be happy with what You have in life and don't be mean to those who don't fit your standards. Everyone is special in their own kind of way and they deserve respect and inclusion into society.

        Keep your head held high when facing adversity and remember things happen for a reason.   

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