While I was sleeping in my Zzzz #amilikey

     Hey you'll, how is it going? I am feeling much better, because apparently my allergies wanted to act up this week and I had to miss work too. Anyhow, I am feeling much, much better and that is all that matters. My paycheck next time won't be complete because I know I don't have enough hours to cover my missed days, but like my mom always says "The Lord shall provide". I just have to budget accordingly and not be wasteful at all -- so no cravings or wants -- just focus on needs. 

    I have 45 blogs to go to meet this year's quota for blogs in 2024. I wasn't even sure what to talk about, but I think this one will be short, sweet, and entertaining. My creativity is not one hundred right now, but I will try my best to capture your heart at least for a few minutes. So, like I titled this blog -- while I was sleeping (good Sandra Bullock movie btw fyi) I have dreams just like everyone else. I have dreams that always leave me with the question mark -- what did that actually mean? I always question was it a message from God or a overload of my neurons that desperately keep thinking of the same thing. For example, the most common brain dreams that happen when you go to bed hungry - you dream about food or when you have to wake up to urinate you dream that you have to go to the bathroom. 

    Dreams are bittersweet because sometimes they feel so real when you wake up it is such a disappointment to know it didn't actually happen, but it was just a dream. I had this one particular dream about a few months ago -- can't recall exactly how long ago, but it was very sweet and I can't forget and I don't want to forget it. 

    I was in a group setting with a lot of other youth and one particular handsome gentleman. In my dream, I was sitting next to him anxiously asking him to confide in me something he had mentioned he wanted to tell me. I asked him one more time, go ahead tell me what you wanted to tell me, but he just said not now. I was like really, I got up and walked away. He actually ran after me and called me by my name and maybe grabbed my arm pulled me in towards him. He whispered in my ear "We had a kinetic connection back there". I literally, woke up and googled that term - no lie. I smiled and then wrapped by arms around him and hugged him tightly. In the dream, it was like an unspoken moment of I want to kiss you too, but we both said not now, not here while the youth is watching us. So I said goodbye with another hug and walked away. 

    There you have it, that was my big sentimental dream about a youth pastor who said we had a kinetic connection and hugged me twice. I kept thinking maybe it was like a foreshadow of who my future husband could be and that he might be a youth pastor. I just knew I felt so honored to have someone come after me and tell me we had a connection "kinetic" and almost kissed me. So, in conclusion, I don't know what that dream means at all, but it definitely gave me butterflies for sure. Most likely the only reason I had that dream was because I am constantly thinking about that subject and I guess my brain is trying to console me or give me something to think about -- I don't know. I do in full disclosure ask God to reveal His plan for me and show me who my future partner is in my dreams. We no longer have the prophets of the old testament that had like an incredible direct line access to God 24/7 who could just ask him anything and get an immediate response. So as a believer it feels like it's the easiest way for God to tell us something through our dreams. Also, sometimes I do envy those times, because obviously life was so much more simple and it was harder to sin and easier to be closer to God without all these distractions and obligations. 

    Alright, the point is I hate not knowing for sure what some of my dreams mean and what the Lord is trying to tell me, but I will keep pressing on to get closer to Him and have a better understanding. Wish there was a Joseph to interpret my dreams like he did with pharaoh; speaking of Joseph the Netflix movie Journey to Bethlehem -- has a very nice looking Joseph actor. Major Lol. I know, I know he is way too young for me and obviously I was super bummed out when I found out. I gave you a random insider of what I thought about him and he does sing very well too. Okay, let me wrap this up before I keep rambling on with more insiders nobody cares about. 

    Now all in unison, "You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." I hope at the very least this blog encouraged you is some way and provided a smile or two. Perhaps even a genuine laugh too. Remember to subscribe, like, share, and give me a comment/feedback. 



Ana :)

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