Basketball 🏀 and Me #amilikey



Hey true ballers!!!! So I'm currently blogging from my wifi phone because I'm too sore to sit down on my desktop chair and blog on the laptop. I most definitely overdid my little workout adventure, because walking 20,000 steps in one afternoon is brutal. Anyways, as I lay here in the comfort of my bed with the NBA Sunday showcase on ABC Channel, it inspired me to blog about my love for basketball. 

      So it all started when I was just eleven years old, as I was staying with my foster family-- uncle Luis introduced me to NBA basketball and I was in aweee. It was the very first time I'd ever seen the NBA and when I saw my boy Kobe on the court I was like wow this game is amazing. Those buzzer beater games were so epic and I was hooked forever. I remember staying up on school nights till almost midnight just to make sure I got too see the end of the game. After I left the foster home, I still kept up with my new favorite sport at least when the playoffs and finals were shown on abc network. 

      I watched it with my mom, I actually didn't know my mom had played basketball with my uncle and neighbors too when I was like a kid. Also, back in fifth grade during recess I'd go and shoot some hoops mainly to be closer to my then crush Isaiah but I did enjoy playing basketball. Throughout both middle school and high school, it was the one thing I loved and looked forward to doing in P.E. I shot hoops usually on my own, but the one time I actually played three on three I made a basket from the side free throw line. It was so nice and unfortunately the game didn't last long, but I was so happy I actually made a shot in the moment. 

       Ironically, my former FWBs both also loved to shoot hoops. One was actually a little white Kobe himself; he actually had mad skills and I saw him play up against taller guys and still scored on them. He really loved basketball, but let his short stature get to his head and he never overcame the disappointment of not being chosen because of it. I remember going to shoot hoops with RJ3 on several occasions and this one time I actually made a layup on him and it felt so good. He always distracted me when he took off his shirt, he knew he looked good and wanted to flaunt his abs at me. I asked him to play around the world, but he refused because it was an easy game. Neither one really cared about the NBA, but I have always enjoyed both the professional games and physically being out there on the court. 

         One time, during class in college a classmate overheard me and another classmate talk about basketball players, and she was like y'all should just marry a basketball player. I know it was just one random example, but it goes to show just how much I love it and enjoy it genuinely. Again, my mom's liking of the sport was also true in that when they were having the Olympics in China --- my mom stayed up until 4am to watch the USA basketball team against Spain. I was like a junior in high school, and I couldn't stay awake for the game, but my mom was just so into it. Of course the USA won the gold medal that year and I was like wow we couldn't seal the deal since I was rooting for my people in Spain. 

         An insider exclusive here I'd like to share, I'd like to get a basketball tattoo with my favorite teams. One day, I'll be able to flaunt it. Alright, well I'll let y'all get back to your itinerary schedules and thank you for taking these few minutes to read my humble blog. Of course I leave you with the most important reminder: " You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." Allow God to heal your brokenness and restore your life to fulfill your life's purpose. Jesus is your true MVP don't forget that!!!! Feel free to like, share, comment, and subscribe too !!!!! 



Ana :)



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