Pumped Full of Sugar #Amilikey


Selfie Filters gotta love them!!!! Lol

    Hi Everyone!!! I have been slightly under the weather so I just didn't even make the effort to post anything on here so my bad. Alright, now today as always I come with an amazing cute story about my shenanigans of prior years. I was the typical candy lover as a child that it was my go to food. I remember I would always eat anything sweet over real meals. Back in the day you can literally walk out of the gas station with four or five bags of candy for only a dollar. It is scary to think back then I would walk from my house to the gas station all by myself and be allowed to purchase this candy without any adult supervision and no one said anything. I was only seven years old crossing streets and buying things on my own. I am just so grateful I was never kidnapped or suffered any injuries as a child venturing out on my own. 

    My father has always been irresponsible and he didn't want me around so when I fuzzed and asked for money to buy candy he would never hesitate to just shut me up by giving me a dollar. I remember running as fast as I could to get to the gas station that was about three blocks away from my house. Every time I entered the store they already knew me and didn't ask why I was alone or even questioned what I was going to buy. I always got the same things and opened the candy bags before I even made it back to the house. Those four candy bags were gone probably within 20 minutes or less. I was a hard sugar addict for real. All I ever thought about was getting to eat candy at any opportunity I got regardless if I have had a real meal. Most of the time I was bribed to eat my dinner if I was compensated with some candy after I was done with my meal. I never rejected people giving me candy nor did I shy away from asking for some candy wherever I went. I am pretty sure I stressed out my mom a lot for having this bad addiction and habit without any self control. 

    As I got older, I am thankful the addiction subsided and I no longer craved or wanted that much candy all the time. I started learning about the health effects or such consumption that I was like wait I don't want to be an obese kid or have diabetes or anything that can affect my health. As an adult, I literally can't stand when I try a piece of candy and it's so sweet I literally just stop eating it right away and I feel like it's so gross. I still like candy -mainly chocolate -- but I have opted for healthier versions of it like dark chocolate with about 70% of cocoa concentration. The candy I eat now is very limited and I only eat it every now and then. Overall, I am glad candy doesn't have a hold on me like it did when I was a kid, because I had it bad like unbelievably detrimental. So, when people tell me I am so sweet, I tell them it's the byproduct of all the sugar consumption I had as a child. Major Lol. I know it's a super cute reply back and it makes everyone laugh. Also, my most famous way of flirting if a guy tells me I am sweet. 

    Alright, I don't have too much to add to this post but now you know in full disclosure my candy addiction as a child. Please, don't think this behavior is acceptable or tolerate it in kids around you (even adults). Any addiction is never good no matter how insignificant it may seem, so seek help if you cannot control something you know is wrong/damaging for you to do repeatedly. As always thank you for reading my humble blog and make sure you leave a comment with a feedback. What is something you'd like to know or learn about me or just in general questions? Remember you are not a mistake because God is perfect and HE does not make mistakes!!! You have a purpose and you make someone happy even if you don't even realize it. Till next time be safe and remember to check out all the other posts and even check out my Instagram and YouTube channel all you have to use is my #amilikey 



Ana :) 



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