Ex Neigh #Amilikey


Gobble Gobble is officially done and over with people!!!! Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving meal with their family and friends (for those who are fortunate enough to have real ones that you actually spend time with in real life--- unlike me, the very few people I talk to are so far away & some I've never had the opportunity to meet in person). But anyways that's not what I'm here for today; instead, I'd like to entertain you with another past male acquaintance I had. 

     This one is a bit longer of a real story to tell because it lasted a few years. So ironically I met this guy at a birthday kickball party for again another past ex "best" male friend I also had for several years. ( And now this is another story I will share on my next post) For legal purposes, we shall call this one EN ( Ex Neigh is Neighbor ). So at the time of the birthday party I had no idea who he was I don't even remember seeing him there that day, because there were a lot of people. I pretty much was on the outside of the entire group there I only knew my alleged best friend. So one night, I was bored and chatting online and this one guy appeared in real close proximity, but I didn't think anything of it. 

    We started chatting and eventually once the curiosity of men gets to them and we exchange pictures to see what we look like, he says I've met you before. And I was like whaaatttttttt no way how is that even possible? So he said I met you at the birthday party and he said my best friend's name and I was like ohhhhhh wow. So I thought that was hilarious because that had never happened to me before. Then, one day we finally agreed to hangout at the Mall and watch a movie. We did and he was a bit loud & we enjoyed the movie -- it was the new real life animated The Lion King so you can't go wrong with that film choice. He drove me back home and that's when we realized we literally lived one complex away from each other, so that was another major Lol moment too. So, from that day forward it just made sense to hangout because of the convenience of the location--- I'd always be just a few steps away from home. 

   We kept hanging out and going out to eat here and there for several months--- like sporadically because at the time I also had a stupid FWB thing going on. I ended up eventually visiting his new place where he moved into, because I was bored and had ended things we my FWB. Again, these were the years where I was struggling to become emotionally mature enough to not rely on bad/toxic company just to not feel so lonely. Once, I started working so heavily at my former job, I obviously didn't have enough free time to spend with EN, so we became more distant. He had always been a bit annoying in the way he behaved himself around me and the things he said to me were so condescending. EN was still a part of my life when my winter fling thing happened and he kept making fun of it. EN said yeah y'all are a great couple because you both still live with your parents. He always made it seem like he was so much better than me, because he lived alone in an apartment. Yet, his mother and father were constantly supporting him financially in many ways-- so of course it was easy for him to do whatever and not take full responsibility for himself. 

    The straw that broke the Camel's back was when he verbally became offensive over some stupid ex coworker he was trying to talk to and I was assisting him. EN told me to go ******* myself and F bomb this F bomb that and I was like whoa whoa hold on buddy who do you think you're talking to like that? I literally said that to him and he just kept being nasty, so said that's enough. Block, delete, block and delete from my phone and social media. EN had always been verbally insulting too, from the beginning, but as always I was trying to see past that and be a "good" friend. He constantly made fun of me for not driving, and living with my parents still at my age which yes I don't like it either. But the one thing he said on the last time I hungout with him in the car was devastating to me. EN said that he knew I could never better myself because even though I was working a lot and making more money --- my family was always gonna keep me from moving forward because they depended on me financially. I couldn't believe it in that moment, but of course I just cringed inside to know that's how he really felt about me. EN also mentioned that I could never afford a car on my own or I would ever move out to be on my own. To that I say, I am making progress even if I haven't officially reached those goals. And at that point it was literally the last time I saw him in person --- ironically on his birthday dinner with his best friend and his best friend's fiance at the time. I knew I wanted to keep my distance from him for a while, but I kept going back and forth. Until, like I mentioned he became so fawl mouth talking back to me in that disrespectful manner. Lastly, he also like loved rubbing it in my face about he was the "only" friend I had at that time, because I didn't hangout with anyone else. He was just toxic all around and the few favors he ever did to me he would always throw them in my face afterwards. I told him several times we weren't real friends and he was just an acquaintance I liked spending time with here and there. But honestly I was just in denial in how poorly he treated me as a so called friend. I know I already said lastly, but I just remembered something that proves my story and I always like to have facts backup my words-- so noone says she's just lying or exaggerating. Literally every time we went out to Walmart or dined out, as soon as he saw a female he liked he would immediately start flirting with her right in front of me as if I wasn't even there. He always complained that I was acting like a jealous "girlfriend ", but I reiterated that it was out of mutual respect as a person not to do that while I was around, because I felt ignored as in if you're gonna hangout with me then don't ignore me for talking to someone else. You can flirt with whoever you want and do whatever you want so long as I'm not around. I would never flirt with another guy if I'm hanging out with a friend (male or female) because I find that disrespectful of the time your sharing to bond and have fun with your friend. You can flirt when you're by yourself or not in a one on one setting like a group gathering. Most of the time he avoided eye contact with me when we were talking which also made me feel super uncomfortable like I know I'm not a model, but if you're gonna be my friend then you have to be comfortable looking at me the way I am with scars and all. So anyways, EN has officially been out of my life for almost 2 years and I don't miss him at all. He nicknamed me a "brat" he said I was a spoiled brat and I constantly told him not to call me that because it was annoying. It was just a hopeless interaction me trying to help him become motivated to do things and be better while he just indulged in belittling me to make himself feel better. 

   So there you have it people, another real life story of how another epic male relationship went down in my time-line. Yes, of course there's a bit more details of other things that happened, but I have to save something for that oh so glorious aspiration and goal to write my autobiography. Which, I've gone back and forth on so many times, because I feel like I don't have a good ending to it like what am I suppose to say after my miracle? I went to college and graduated but I still don't have a definitive career to show for. I also, want to end the book with the beginning of my beautiful own little family of having a husband and kids. So, if you were ever wondering why I haven't wrote it yet now you know. These next few years are crucial, but I hope I can finally write that book with a beautiful ending/beginning of the rest of my life. Alright, today was a good writing flowing juices Lol. I guess when you pick a topic you're so adimen about it's easy to talk about. So as always, remember you're not a mistake from God because He is perfect and he never makes mistakes. You have a purpose and a plan to fulfill so allow the Lord into your heart and start living it!!!! Remember to like and share!!! Comment some feedback too!!! 

Love xoxoxooxoxoxoxoox, 

Ana :) 


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