Steping out in Faith #Amilikey

 Good Evening to the western hemisphere of this world!!!! I know I am absolutely always extra, but I cannot be otherwise anything other than me. I have enjoyed these past few weeks of intermission to my lifetime. You may be wondering as to what I am referring to, but if you followed my YouTube channel a bit more closely you'd be in the loop. 

No worries-- I am here to tell all and be a blogger. Major Lol. My blogging does not met the literary standards of grammatical punctuation and all the fancy jargon that texts follow. However, I can reassure you I bring the context to life and I speak from my aorta. I've always enjoyed writing since I was probably in fifth grade when I got my first official diary as a Christmas gift. I felt so empowered to be able to write out my thoughts and experiences to later recapitulate. I would write in my diary probably on a weekly basis-- mostly about the boys I had a crush on and stupid girls drama in school. As I got older, the amount of responsibilities increased and the free time I had was consumed in doing homework/pre-adulting tasks. 

Back to the main topic of discussion, I realized I had genuinely given my former employer the effort and time necessary to see a real change and improvement. I kept grinding day after day with the aspiration that something would change and that they would see all of my potential. My potential was never rewarded or seen in their eyes, so I took a stand and departed in the quest for someone who would see it. Leaving my secure job was not a easy decision to make by any means like most people assume I might have taken that decision. I invested two full years at that company and had hoped to reach more milestones then I accomplished, so departing was not easy or a sudden occurrence. In all honesty, I had been reapplying for a new job since February of this year and had only landed one interview. I felt like because I was currently employed at that time the potential employer didn't take me seriously and just brushed me off as in "oh she doesn't really need a new job she's already got one." 

I kept applying here and there since February but no real opportunity had arrived. I kept dealing with the same demeanor at my former job and just knew there had to be something better for me. I couldn't keep working for someone who didn't appreciate all the hard work I did and the level of excellence I gave to my patients/clients. They might say I am exaggerating to make me sound good, but the record is clear-- who stayed past her assigned scheduled clock out time even though I came in early 98% of the time ? Me! Who ensured that the email request were sent out even after 5pm closing time? Me! Who reminded colleagues of the right procedure and kept track of the charts constantly? Me! Who even provided my own monetary cash for change (temporarily while we got the change) when we were out of change because management didn't get change in time like I reminded them? Me! Shall I go on ? Of course not because I proved my point and the examples go on and on. 

So I submitted my resignation letter without having another job already lined up. I told myself, I've tried searching while employed and it's not working. So, I have to believe I deserve better and I will find a better opportunity. I prayed about it for a while and I specifically applied where I aspired to be the Thursday after I resigned, and by Saturday I had received an email inviting me to a phone interview. I was so excited about this lineup I almost couldn't believe it. I passed the preliminary phone interview and set up a video interview the following Thursday. I had my second interview on that following Tuesday where my dreams were confirmed and I received the job offer! I accepted it right away and was over the moon. I had been working so hard to land this new position and I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. I went from being a FOS to a PUC in the medical field and it feels great! 

For many the change might not sound as glamorous, but to me it's a desired improvement in the making. I'm finally with an employer who recognizes my talent and skills. A facility that is in much better shape and size to accommodate the workforce and it's patients. It's just a wonderful opportunity and the biggest blessing the Lord has favored me with, and I cannot shut up about how amazing it is to have moved on. I am grateful for the experience that builded me up and the few new things I learned as a FOS, but I will not miss it for one millisecond. Major triple 😂 Lol. When you know -- you just know!!!! 

So all in all, it was a big leap of faith to leave my former job without having already a new job. I stood up for my workethic and searched for the opportunity I deserved. God granted me this new employer only two and half weeks after resigning and I start on Monday coming up!!!! My scrubs came in by mail and they fit nicely too!!! I'm like a kid going to a brand new school and it's just the best feeling to start a fresh new chapter in my life. 

One day I'll reveal even more exclusive details about my workforce history in my future autobiography that is still a goal of mine to fulfill. I'm not gonna trash talk about my bosses, but I will share the events that occurred from my point of view. I have so much to recount about my life that only a New York Best time sellers book would do it justice !!!! Wink wink to sponsors!!!! 

Thank you for reading my blog and make sure you also check out my Instagram and YouTube channel for more great content !!!! Just use the hashtag #amilikey 

Remember you're not a mistake because God does not make mistakes! You have a purpose!! 





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