Never have I ever #amilikey


Hey Hey Hey !!! I am here on the most important platform of the web (for me). I love writing and blogging is just another form of writing to share with my beautiful audience out there. Recently, I have been pondering on how to improve my blogging habits, and I came up with a reasonable quota to adhere by from now on. It is hereby determined that I am to post one blog a week on Saturdays-- one per week is the required standard. I figured Saturdays should be the easiest day to comply with regardless of my new work schedule. I want to make a commitment to myself that I can set up a healthy routine for me to follow to make progress on all of my personal goals. 

    I am not just here to ramble pretty words to captivate the audience in the off-chance that I might gain traffic for profit. Obviously, I want this humble blog to be as successful as possible, but apart from the increase in views it's knowing that my message is reaching thousands per day or more. My message is the message of putting your faith in Jesus and not yourself alone, so in order to give myself a fighting chance at gaining some subscribers and readers to come along my blog-- I must increase my output posts on a weekly basis for now and maintain it. Eventually, down the line I'd like to be able to post on a daily or three times a week frequency. This blog is not a diary of my life, but a welcoming open-book into my life with the emphasis always being to motivate and inspire. 

    Now, to the topic at hand now that I have officially made my announcement and public commitment-- never have I ever confessions. I want to be as creative as possible, because I know just how picky people are and if you don't grasp their attention within the first few seconds then you have lost them forever. Let's be honest, we all want to know about people's life because it's entertaining and we want to be nosey. So social media has allowed all of us to endeavor in this human innate activity. I admit learning about the celebrity lifestyles is very amusing to me and I also enjoy reading non-fiction books because they spill the beans. Therefore, what better way for you to know more about me than to confess to some fun "never have I ever" statements. 

    Full disclosure I did preview the Never Have I Ever Netflix film, but did not actually click play on it. I thought it was too teen-like themed and I was just not interested in a bunch of teen actors movie drama. Alright, enough dancing around the good stuff; please sit down if you aren't already doing so and get ready for a fun ride. 

    1. Never have I ever played the popular game beer pong (not even with water) and as a teen I don't think I ever played spin the bottle. 

   2. Never have I ever seen actual real snow in my thirty-three years of life.

   3. Never have I ever made a toast at a wedding (because I haven't been to that many weddings as an adult).

   4. Never have I ever been properly asked to a romantic date with a gift and a fancy dinner. (Only on generic hangout at the mall and watch a movie date)

   5. Never have I ever eaten at Red Lobster, Bob Evans, or shopped at Cosco, Bjs. 

   6. Never have I ever had sex at the beach, people say it's super uncomfortable getting the sand all over you. 

   7. Never have I ever been serenaded, I totally daydream of something romantic like that happening to me for once. 

   8. Never have I ever swam naked, I've always wanted to try it at like a empty river with my future loved one. 

   9. Never have I ever gotten matching tattoos, but it's something I've also wanted to do with someone special. 

   10. Never have I ever requested to speak to a manager to file a complaint of any kind, I haven't had to restore to those extremes and I also don't want to be a Karen. Major Lol. 

    Okay so there you have it, some fun "never have I ever" confessions. I know they weren't as elaborate as some of you might have hoped for, but honestly it was getting hard to think of actual fun ones. I have done a lot of the things you might infer and also regret too. I cannot admit to some of them, because well it is a public audience after all. They are mainly along your common teenage rebellion things, but it's better left for my future autobiography. Well, once again I thank you for taking the time of your day to read this and hopefully delight in it too. Remember you are not a mistake because God does not make mistakes. You matter, you are important and have a purpose so never give up on making good progress in your life. Like, share, subscribe, and comment with some feedback as well!!!!!


Ana :)    #Amilikey 



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