Summer 2023 Update #Amilikey


Good Afternoon my beautiful followers aka my three subscribers!!! I am truly astonished that I have only posted two other blogs this entire year of 2023. We are past the half way mark and in more than six months I have only posted two blogs—that is unacceptable and also alarming to me. It still befuddles me to even think I neglected something that I love so dearly like writing and blogging. I also finally got the official count for last years blogs to a also very upsetting total of seven blogs total.

         There really are no valid excuses for this occurrence, because I have Wi-Fi at home and a basic small laptop that can allow me to blog whenever. I do emphasize that my prior engagement as a front office specialist in a medical facility occupied like over 60- 80% of my free time past my scheduled work hours. Perhaps it wasn’t those exact numbers, but it sure felt like it as I ended the workday with exhaustion. I never knew it would take so much out of me to do this position and endure my commute five days a week. After being there for two years and seeing no improvement in terms of real compensation and internal approach towards working – I resigned.


         I am starting a new chapter in my life in which I am going to meticulously approach the job hunting with a greater degree of detail in all aspects of the employment. Honestly, in full disclosure two years ago I saw the red flags and ignored them all because I was desperate to get back to work and I needed the money like yesterday. I knew it didn’t seem right to be playing loud music in the background at a medical facility. (3rd red flag) Not to mention the poor choice of music as well. I know you are all wondering about the first two red flags as well: 1- the exterior building was just outdated and unpleasant to even walk into; 2- the unit was too small/crowded and there was no actual break room for employees. These and more observed red flags which I cannot disclose are the types of things that should have told me Ana run for it, but I did not listen.

         Moving forward, I will absolutely take into consideration these simple factors. They tell a lot in the long run in how a facility performs and how their employees behave. I deserve to be treated as an equal contributing member of any employment group, and I also have earned the right to be respected as a colleague given my higher education. I will not let another employer abuse me, because I lack personal resources and they know I am a loyal employee. I may not have a husband at this time nor children of my own, but that does not mean my free time is undervalued. If you want me to work overtime, I am certainly capable of complying so long as I am compensated accordingly.

         Anyways, I made the right choice for me and I know the Lord will provide a new much improved opportunity for me to excel and showcase my skills and talents as a real professional who does not cheat or lie about her work. I will take the few skills I acquired there and continue to build on them with great enthusiasm. I wish all my former colleagues nothing but true deliverance from all their toxic characteristics and much improvement in caring for the patients.

         I am going to take advantage of this in between jobs period of my lifetime and structure a proper list of topics I want to blog about and post them before my new employment starts and I get caught up in the work routine. You all know this humble blog has been my best companion throughout the years, and it is the medium by which I share my motivation and inspiration to the world to never give up and keep on going forward. As always, remember you are not a mistake made by your parents, but you have a purpose for life and for living. Allow the God that saved me and gave me new life to do the same with you.

         Make sure to leave a comment, like, share, and if I might add if you know someone or an employer in the medical field looking for a medical office administrator – I am here!!! Preferably in the area code 33613 within a 5 mile radius. You can always send them to this link for a complete analysis of me  


Thank you for your time and cooperation in making this blog a microscopic success!!!! Till next time which will be soon!!!






Ana 😊


#amilikey ---- for all social media content


  1. Te deseo mucho Éxito en tu nueva búsqueda, se que Dios abrirá una gran puerta para ti porque lo mereces, te mando un abrazo enorme en la distancia 💕

    1. Ahi hermorrirrima mil gracias por dejarme un lindo comentario!!! De verdad ese es el apoyo que mas me llena de felicidad!!! Asi sera en el nombre de Jesus algo nuevo .


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