Runner's Surprise #Amilikey

 Good Afternoon my beautiful cybernetic stranger friends, 
    I am keeping my promise this time around and posting as much blogs before I am once again successfully part of the workforce.  In more full disclosure to the previous topic, I honestly had been wanting to quit that job since after the very first month of working there!! I know that sounds like a shocker given how long I lasted (24 months) but it really is the truth about how I felt there. I knew I had to give it my best shot and see it through for at least a year, and then start seeing new avenues -- it took a whole year to realize it wasn't ever going to get better for me. 

    Anyways that is not the topic of this blog post I bring to you today. Back in June 10th, 2023 I ran my second in person 5K at the Al Lopez Park in Tampa. I was so excited to beat my previous time and once again experience the adrenaline of finishing the race as fast as I could. Drum roll please, I did improve my time by over a minute and a few seconds to even my surprise. I enjoyed the morning hot summer sweat and was able to capture some memorable pictures of the whole event -- even if there was no one there to cheer me on personally. Of course, I didn't meet my prince charming like I always fantasize about meeting him at some public event. Again, I did not win any of the raffles nor did anyone approach me to make small talk or be friendly. Honestly, I always feel like all the hard-core runners and runners in general look at me like am not suppose to be there and my appearance is somewhat disqualifying for them. 

    I know I just started being an active runner about 3 years ago; however, that is not an excuse to count me out as a real participant that this striving to improve on her own game. I practice as much as my time and body will allow it. Realistically speaking I know I will never win any races or medal a first, second, or third age group position, but that does not mean I can't enjoy the sport for what it offers me. On this last race, I was fine up until the Sunday afternoon when I started feeling some pain in the front of my legs. I had no idea that there was such a thing called shin splints and they are so real and painful. I again, powered through like that a whole week at work and it was not helpful. I finally went to the doctor and he gave me some anti-inflammatory meds. I haven't ran since that day of the race and I truly miss it. 

    Running for me is absolute happiness, because it allows me to be in control while burning some much needed excess calories I need to drop. I feel so good at the end of a race when I am catching my breath and watching those beautiful sweat drops running through my body. I learned that my slight overweight attributes to being prone shin splits, and I have decided to hold off on running until I can get my weight down back into the appropriate range. In the meantime, I have been doing lots of steps daily and small at home routines to improve my core. I know my one long life goal has always been to have a flat abdomen with girl six packs (I don't want to look like I have men six packs that too pronounced). 

    I encourage everyone to try running at least once for just half a mile. It won't be easy at first, but if you stick it out you can finish a whole 5K race in a couple of months time. I started with just a mile for about a year and then I challenged myself to the 5K and it took me about 48 minutes the very first time I ran a 5K -- I just thought it was absolutely unbearable. A couple more practices and two years later, I ran my very best time of 36 minutes and 50 seconds. So, it is proof that practice does help and like in everything in life, the more you do something productive the better you are to perform it. Listen to me for once, and if you're not active physically (sexually active does not count) then give it a real attempt and enjoy becoming an amateur runner like me. 

    Once again, leave you with encouraging words to never give up on life and more importantly to allow God to be a part of it. Thank you for reading this blog, make sure you like, share, and comment!!


Ana :)



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